Page 17 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 17

在家庭里,用良好的家风家教涵育道德品行,让 美德在亲情中持续升华 在单位,提高员工素 质,涵养职业操守,培育职业精神,完善规章制 度,树立行业新风 在学校,把立德树人贯穿教 育教学全过程,自觉将社会主义核心价值观和道 德规范有效传递给学生,让学生在潜移默化中积 淀文化素养 在乡村,让村容村貌焕然一新,文 明乡风深入人心,村民幸福感、获得感显著提 升 在社会,以先进模范引领道德风尚,彰显社
会道德高度,不断促进人们思想道德素质和社会 文明程度的提升。依托济南市文明创建智慧管理 平台,济南推动各类群众性文明创建活动常态常 效,常抓常新。
踏上新征程,济南将肩负使命、不负众望,以 创建全国文明典范城市为载体,以群众性精神文 明创建为抓手,高举旗帜、凝心聚力、以文化人、以 德育人,提升城市软实力,提振城市精气神,精 神文明建设硕果累累。
Civility Civility is is is is is the the the the symbol of of of of a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a city's progress and and and and and the the the the soul of of of of development Exquisite public service advertisements showing mainstream values can be seen everywhere transmitting positive energy Volunteers in in red waistcoats help elders expressing warm spirit Good deeds are carried forward everywhere showing virtue and and love At present wandering in in in the streets parks and and squares of of Jinan there will be scenes and and stories of of civility around us us Civility Civility is not just an an an an ordinary word but has been transformed into the code of of conduct and and standard of of action of of of people and the the the power power of of of civility is also becoming the the the source of of of power power for the the the development and and progress of of Jinan Jinan and and continues to to promote Jinan Jinan to to be in in in in the forefront of of high-quality development 〇济南以培育和践行社会主义核心价值观为根本任务,提振城市精气神。图 / 王啸
Jinan takes cultivating and practicing core socialist values as as the the the fundamental task to boost the the the vitality of the city 17 CITY OF SPRINGS

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