Page 21 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 21

Jinan Jinan Battle Battle Memorial Hall is an an an an an an important spot to to pay tribute to to revolutionary revolutionary martyrs carry carry forward the spirit of Jinan Jinan Battle Battle and and carry out patriotic education education and and revolutionary revolutionary education education activities 21 CITY OF SPRINGS
弥新,蕴含着丰富的革命精神和厚重的 英雄内涵,承载着中国共产党坚定信 念、根本宗旨、优良作风,让广大党员 干部群众在参观学习中更加坚定了理想
信念,把对党和人民的忠诚和热爱牢记 在心目中、落实在行动上,以昂扬的精 神状态做好党和国家各项工作。
Jinan Jinan immersed in in in in in in in in in in in the the the the the the the the Red Red Red Red culture culture culture culture has has rich revolutionary history culture culture culture culture and and and and spirit Jinan Jinan has recently embarked on on a a a a a a a path of broadening cultural context and providing extensive guidance with the the focus on the the positive influence of culture culture on on the the the the people and on on the the the the city by vitalizing the the the the Red culture culture leveraging the the the the Red Red resources and nurturing the Red Red temperament When we are now marching in in in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a a a a a a great modern socialist country in in in all respects Jinan is is making formidable endeavor and concrete effort with its revolutionary spirit to greet the the 20th National Congress of the the Communist Party of China (CPC) 

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