Page 25 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 25

八九千年的文明历史,为济南孕 育了种类繁多的非遗文化。其中,济 南吕剧、莱芜梆子、章丘芯子、鼓子 秧歌等国家级非遗项目 13 个,秦琼传 说、商河民歌、济阳黑陶制作技艺等 省级非遗项目 108 个,郭派形意拳、木 板大鼓等市级非遗项目 450 个。
由是,全国两大非遗节会之一—— 中国非物质文化遗产博览会将这里定 为永久举办地,全国首个城市传统工 艺工作站落户于此。
如何让这些流传千百年的老习 俗、老技艺创新发展?济南将推动非 遗保护地方立法,实施非遗活态传承 工程,高质量办好第七届中国非遗博 览会,支持建设黄河乡村记忆馆、黄 河大搬迁纪念馆等 13 个黄河非遗展 馆,打造“一展馆一特色”的黄河非 遗展示体系,创建一批国家、省级文 化生态保护区,打造非遗文化名城。
Culture is is confirmed as as the the the the “soft power” of of of of of of of a a a a a a a a a a a a a city Jinan is strong in in its soft power - It was a a a key component of the Haidai Dongyi cultural section in remote antiquity one of of the birthplaces of of ancient Chinese culture and one of the first regions that entered the age of civilization Jinan has had an an elevated cultural status for centuries Jinan has an an an an enormous advantage of brilliant historical and cultural deposits Jinan is hometown of Emperor Shun Shun Shun Shun was one of the Five Emperors in in Chinese mythology When he he he cultivated here he he set an example of humility kindness and integrity The city has evolved to be an an an important site for the inheritance and development of Confucian culture Jinan is the city of springs springs Its springs springs have appeared in in the the the earliest earliest Chinese texts the the the earliest earliest poems and the the the earliest history books The delightful old downtown wakes up people with enchanting spring scenery that capture both hearts and minds Jinan is a a city of of poets It built ties with some of of the the greatest poets through the the ages like Li Bai Du Fu Su Su Shi Su Su Zhe Zeng Gong and Yuan Haowen It is also the birthplace of many significant cultural figures including Li Qingzhao Xin Qiji Zhang Yanghao Yu Shenxing Li Panlong They left famous poems of characterizations of Jinan Jinan is the city that Qu Yi thrives deriving nutrients from the the Yellow River culture Jinan is the the permanent host venue of China Intangible Cultural Heritage Expo Jinan has old streets alleys and buildings and and time-honoured brands that are widely distributed throughout the city Jinan presents us with incomparable cultural resources stimulating the feeling of joy pride and and hope Outstanding traditional culture culture represented by the Longshan culture culture Confucian culture culture and Er An culture culture have been transited toward fulfilling the the demands of the the new era The Yellow River culture offers radiant creativity and spiritual mooring for the construction of national civilized model city 〇济南非遗项目琳琅满目、丰富多彩。图 / 李玉鸿
Jinan boasts the richness of intangible heritage projects 25 CITY OF SPRINGS

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