Page 40 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 40

The Most Beautiful Worker Zhang Baoguo is a a a a a a a a hero of of explosive- removal who often faces life or or death situations 〇工人新村南村街道西区社区党委书记田象霞是居民信赖的“万能书记”。
Tian Xiangxia secretary of of of the Party Committee of of of west section community Nancun subdistrict of of of workers' new village is is regarded as a a a a a a a a a a a a a trustworthy and all- powerful leader by the residents 下,章丘区红十字造血干细胞捐献动员志愿服 务队从最初的 6 人扩大到 50 余人,累计发起和 服务无偿献血 10 余场次,无偿献血量 40 余万 毫升,150 余名志愿者采集血样加入中华骨髓库。
路兴路、伦学冬临危不惧、舍己救人的事 迹也感动着每一个人,给予这座城市强大的精 神力量和丰润的道德滋养。
文明济南,最美是人。确实如此,近年来,济 南善行义举屡见不鲜,榜样群体不断壮大。截 至目前,全市有 4 人荣获全国道德模范荣誉称 号,15 人荣获全国道德模范提名奖,138 人荣 人荣 登“中国好人榜”。获奖人数和层次均走在了 全省前列,进一步叫响了“大爱济南·德耀泉城” 品牌,让城市更温暖、百姓更幸福。(本文图 片除署名外由济南市精神文明建设委员会办公 室提供)
Brimming with warmth Jinan Jinan has a a a a a a a a a a a a a a lot of of role models to give good examples Role model model of the the times moral model model the the most beautiful person person Jinan’s good person person and etc are springing up and have received deep admiration as as Jinan has won consecutive championships in in four straight years and dedicated to creating national civilized model city Jinan has insisted on on the cultivation of morals and morality as the foundation of building a a a a a civilized city with a a a well-developed context Jinan launches the biannual assessment of moral models publishes the the list of good persons every two months holds the the monthly speech tour of moral models at the grass- roots and reports one typical model on on a a a weekly basis Jinan has consistently selected and publicized the moral models who are held up as examples to different circles of of people A scene of of prosperity in which the the people are eager to learn from the the good and the advanced spreads out before us 40 CITY OF SPRINGS
—— City of WaRmth

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