Page 69 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 69

得越来越好。 Apleasant eco-envrionment is is one of of of of the the obvious factors why Jinan Jinan fascinates the people With a a a a a harmonious blend of mountain spring lake river and
city Jinan has created a a a a a a a a great source of inspiration for many poets and
artists and
delivered an an enormous impact on people’s sense of happiness To present a a a a shinning image of the city Jinan has devoted much effort to to protect the the blue sky clear waters and
pure land according to to the the concept of “lucid waters and
lush mountains are invaluable assets” The government’s work report of Jinan has reaffirmed its determination to adhere to to the path of giving priority to to ecology and
green development win the tough battle against pollution make water environmental quality meet the standards achieve solid progress in ecological conservation restoration and
management The dynamic spring groups the distinct features of environment-city integration and
the remarkably improved system of mountains rivers forests fields lakes and
grasses will greatly strengthen ecological improvement and
environmental protection of Jinan 为了把“气质”提上来,济南可 谓是铆足了劲儿。不仅以空气质量持 续改善为核心,坚持精准治污、精细 治污、精心治污,还推动减污降碳协 同增效,聚焦细颗粒物(PM2 5)污染,深 化“一微克”行动,以超常规的措施 和力度治理大气污染。
今年,济南还将深入打好污染防 治攻坚战,实施新一轮“四减四增” 行动,严格落实“三线一单”生态环 境分区管控机制,让空气质量优良天 数比率超过 65%。

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