Page 17 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年6月刊
P. 17

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市黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展规划》等重大规 划均明确提出建设“青年发展友好型城市”,并将 “青年发展友好型城市”建设纳入市第十二次党代 会报告,把青年优先发展理念融入城市发展全局,在 城市规划、建设、管理全过程广泛体现青春元素、照 顾青年特点。
今年 4 月,国务院新闻办公室举行《新时代的 中国青年》白皮书新闻发布会,专门提到济南建设 青年发展型城市的探索和实践,为全国层面部署这 项工作奠定了基础。
当月,中宣部、国家发展改革委、共青团中央等 17 部门联合印发了《关于开展青年发展型城市建设试 点的意见》( 以下简称《意见》),明确了青年发展型 城市的理念内涵,提出了青年发展型城市建设的指导 思想、基本原则、适用范围和目标任务。按照《意见》 部署,中长期青年发展规划实施工作部际联席会议办 公室对外公布全国青年发展型城市建设试点和青年发 展型县域试点名单,济南市成功上榜。
5 5 月 5 5 日,山东省青年工作联席会议全体会议
审议通过并正式发布济南、青岛、淄博等 8 市《青 年发展友好型城市建设实施方案》,标志着山东省 继 2021 年 年 10 月在全国率先启动全省域青年发展友 好型城市建设以来,建设工作进入“纵深实施”阶 段。济南入选山东省首批青年发展友好型城市建设 城市,创建期两年。
青年是一座城市发展的希望和未来。打造青年 发展友好型城市,不仅是集聚科技、人才等要素的 现实考虑,更是为推动产业提质升级、抢占未来机 遇打下基底。济南将打造黄河流域青年人才集聚高 地,形成最优青年人才生态圈,为加速向国家中心 城市迈进释放更多青年人才红利,集聚更多的青春 智慧,注入更多的青春动能 将通过积极践行青年 优先发展理念,更好满足青年多样化、多层次发展 需求,让政策环境和社会环境不断优化,让青年创 新创造活力与城市创新创造活力相互激荡,让青年 高质量发展和城市高质量发展相互促进。建设“青 年发展友好型城市”对于济南可谓时代之选、大势 所趋!
Developing Developing youth-friendly youth-friendly cities cities cities cities is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a move to to to to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s thoughts on the the the work for the the the youth and a a a a a a major strategic task to foster the the the socialist builders and successors Developing Developing youth-friendly cities cities will benefit the the youth youth and the the cities cities with a a win-win outcome It will make cities better places for young people to to live and work offer a a a a a a variety of of programming to to give young young people the space to collaborate innovate and build a a a a a a brighter future In return young young people will deliver positive change and and power of youthfulness that activate and and inspire city’s growth Investing the the energy of of the the whole city Jinan has listed key issues of of youth development into government work made clear it it will build a a a a a youth-friend city in the “14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for for National Economic and and and Social Development and and and Vision 2035 of Jinan” and and and “Jinan’s Plan for for Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development in in in the Yellow River Basin” It has also included the the the construction of of of a a a youth-friendly city in in the the the report of of of the the the 12th Party Congress of of of Jinan which recognized the the concept of of youth-first development as part of of the the city’s overall plan and proposed to highlight the elements and characteristics of youth in in urban planning Young people hold the the key to create a a a a a better future Besides gathering technologies talent and resources developing youth-friendly cities helps seize the the opportunities of the the future by promoting industrial quality upgrade Jinan will build clusters of young talents in in in in the Yellow River basin and create a a a a a a a dedicate talent ecosystem so as to leverage the the collective vigor and wisdom of the the youth for speeding up the construction of a a a a national center city Jinan is committed to to giving priority to to youth youth development taking into account the the full diversity of the the youth youth rationalizing policy making and and creating a a a a a a a a better social environment which makes the youth a a a a a a a a wellspring of innovation and and creativity and a a a a driver of high-quality development for the city 17 CITY OF SPRINGS

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