Page 21 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年6月刊
P. 21

/ 封面故事
〇青年创新创造活力与城市创新创造活力相互激荡。图 / 王家美
The innovation and creativity of of young people are interactive with that of of the city Young people are are are are the the the the the the most active and and and and and and and dynamic force force in in in in in in in in in society The burst of of of innovation and and and and and and and creativity from youth youth youth is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a huge driving force behind urban development development If youth development development and city growth are considered as two sides of the same coin such activities contribute to positive interaction effects for youth and city city A favorable city city environment has always been a a a a a a fertile ground for for young players which carries their passion dreams and hopes provides them with the the the prospect for for prosperity and and attracts them by offering better career pathways Youth and and city are are becoming more closely integrated with each other in in in in in in the the process of inspiring innovation and and creativity Youth bring new new blood new new energy to cities giving strong impetus and and youthful momentum to cities’ high-quality development 21 CITY OF SPRINGS
年创新创造活力与城市创新创造活力 相互激荡,让青年高质量发展和城市 高质量发展相互促进。 槐荫区以打造“槐 Young”品牌为 统领,在山东省率先启动“青年发展 友好型城区”创建工作,确定绿地·齐 鲁之门—京沪会客厅为“青年发展友好 型城区”核心区,加快建设青年发展 服务中心 市中区作为首批省级青年 发展规划试点,打造了“鲁能 Fan 社群” 青年社交场景,创建了济南国际创新
设计产业园青年园区模式 历下区着 力打造以中央商务区、舜井国际化社 区等为代表的国际化一流青年友好社 区 区 章丘区依托齐鲁科创大走廊和明 水经济技术开发区,打造“青聚章丘 创赢未来”品牌,健全以驻章高校为 主的各界青年创业就业“生态链”⋯⋯
济南抓好青年发展集聚区建设,涌 现出“青行历下”“青莱”“青春历城,好 young 的”“泉城北望·青聚济阳”“与 起步区共成长”等“青”字号的区域
建设品牌,倾力打造“天下泉城·青 春之城” 打造了盒子青年、国际创 新设计产业园等一批优秀典型,“青 年发展友好型城市”建设已初现峥嵘。
城市对青年更友好,青年对城市 更有为。如今,济南的青春脉搏愈加 强劲,青春气息扑面而来。在未来,济 南这座朝气蓬勃的青春之城也必将成 为更多年轻人干事创业、逐梦前行的 广阔舞台,让青年与济南,相得益彰、相 互成就,共同成长、共赢未来。

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