Page 59 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年6月刊
P. 59

基于此,在这个过程中,创新融 合成为广播电视获得良好社会效益和 经济效益的源头活水。
济南广播电视台文旅体育频道 的开播就是当下广播电视创新融合 发展的一个缩影。在文旅融合、体 旅融合的大政策背景下,文旅体三 者的产业融合势在必行。济南广播 电视台审时度势,科学规划,整合 影视、娱乐、商务三大频道优质资 源,撤三合一,强势推出了济南广 播电视台文旅体育频道。频道以服 务文化、旅游、体育事业为定位,基 于5G+4K/8K+VR 等新技术,打造“广 电 + 政务、服务、商务”的全媒体 模式,开辟多屏共振、融合传播的 新战线,多角度讲述济南故事,并 深度融合文化、旅游、体育资源,打 造济南文旅体育全方位传播平台。
中共济南市委常委、宣传部部 长戴龙成,在文旅体育频道开播发 布仪式上致辞时表示,开设文旅体 育频道是济南广电适应媒体融合发 展大趋势、满足群众文化的需求进 行的一次供给侧改革,也是主动作 为讲好济南故事,提升城市软实力 的一次创新实践。
文旅体育频道带头人李耿,曾 经在 2005 年一穷二白的环境中一手 创建了少儿频道,后又临危受命接 手娱乐频道,凭着多年来对电视发 展规律的准确判断,推出了一系列 有份量的金牌节目,锻造了优秀的 体育赛事转播团队。李耿认为,文 化旅游、体育竞技在城际、国际的 交往当中,成为越来越重要的纽 带,也是不可或缺的“社交名片”。 文旅体育频道的诞生,将为济南本 土文化的交流输出,提供了丰富的
资源和丰饶的土壤,同时这些资源优 势也将转化为产业优势,提升广电品 牌价值,汇聚新的增长力量。
广播电视以技术为驱动,以内 容、经营为支点,不断探索实践,通 过具象的视听影像呈现当代经济社会 发展新面貌,跨文化传播视域下的创 新表达、分众化的传播,满足人民群
O start with a a new logo Specializing in in in culture tourism and sports the channel is is committed to to building
a a a a a a a a a omnimedia platform that features “broadcasting plus government administration service and business” based on
new technologies such as as as 5G+4K/8K+VR so as as as to open up a a a a new front of multi-screen experiences and integrated media development At the launch ceremony Jinan Radio and Television unveiled key cultural and sports projects for 2022 including China’s first 4K UHD micro-documentary “From the the the River” centering on
the the the heritage in in in the the the Yellow River River Basin a a a a large- scale documentary showcasing the profound history and splendid culture of of the the the Great Wall of of Qi the the the broadcasting of of the the the 25th Shandong Provincial Games 4K UHD aerial photography competition of of cultural tourism of of the Shandong provincial capital economic circle 2022 Recitation of Famous Poems by Well-known Authors 2022 2022 Peking Opera Masterpieces Concert Concert 2022 2022 Special Concert Concert of of City of of Springs Chorus Spring Spring Festival of Radio and Television in in in in in Nine Provincial Capitals along the Yellow River 2022 Wusu Beer Rock Festival (Jinan) and so forth Those projects are highlights of the channel that make it it highly competitive 〇中共济南市委常委、宣传部部长戴龙成在文旅体育频道开播发布仪式上致辞。
Dai Longcheng member of of of standing committee of of of the the CPC Jinan Municipal Municipal Committee and and director of of of the the Municipal Municipal Publicity Department delivers a a a a a a a speech 59 CITY OF SPRINGS
众对美好生活新需求的现实需要 以 专业化管理、特色化生产、品牌化打 造、全媒化运作的发展思路,持续扩 大广播电视的引导力、传播力和影响 力,着力营造全面提升城市软实力的 良好氛围。广播电视融合化、创新性 发展,必将成为展示一座城市现代活 力、文化魅力的新突破。
n n n n n n May 19 2022 the launch ceremony for Jinan Cultural Tourism and Sports Channel was held in in the 1 000-square meter studio of Jinan Radio and Television The channel has ushered in in a a a a a historic moment signaling a a a a a new 文化

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