Page 57 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年10月刊
P. 57
疗健康科技创新产业园(一期)已建 成并承接项目入驻,中能高端医疗装 备产业园、国家健康医疗大数据产业 园正在规划建设中⋯⋯
还有安置房、学校、道路、电力、体 育公园等配套设置,为医学中心营造 了良好的产业发展生态。据悉,医学 大道等 22 条市政道路、中赵等 3 个输 变电工程、1 个污水处理厂、5 个安置
保障区及教育配套等公共服务、民生 配套、基础设施项目快速推进,部分 陆续建成使用。
实干今朝,未来可期。随着一个个 品质优、带动强的大项目、好项目的拔 地而起,就如同在医学中心播下的“金 种子”,凝聚起产业发展的强劲势头,迸 发出创新发展的无限活力,带来了新的 希望。在未来的发展道路上,医学中心
将瞄准肿瘤防治、中医药、脑科学与类 脑、临床研究型医院、北方眼谷等“五 大专业集群”,精准发力,加快形成产 业集聚和品牌效应。
勇毅笃行,奋斗以成。不远的将 来,在京沪之间、黄河之畔,将崛起 一片以“医”为核心,医教研产养融 合发展的健康医疗高地,成为济南新 时代实现高质量发展的重要引擎。
Yuedong Green Valley Park creates a favorable environment for industrial development.
Time is supposed to be the ultimate objective witness.
Jinan has been forging ahead with determination and has made insp, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) that presents a glittering opportunity. GDP has more than doubled in the past 10 years. Especially since 2017, GDP has realized giant steps forward for the fifth consecutive year, which is to pave the way for a qualitative leap for economic and social development.
Also, there has been a huge stride forward of Jinan Medical Center ( hereinafter referred to as the “JMC”) in the same period.
In July 2017, Shandong Provincial People’s Government approved the establishment of JMC. A highland of medical and health care innovation, with a planning area of 35 square kilometers and an investment of 200 billion yuan, has grown up as a major project that implements the “Healthy China 2030” initiative and promotes the transformation of the growth drivers. Over a period of 1800 days and nights, JMC is devoted to building projects, platforms and facilities from a high starting point by the high standards. JMC is writing heart-thrilling chapters for high-quality development, delivering a full progress report to the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).