Page 75 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年10月刊
P. 75

New growth driver industries are bursting with energy to create a growth pole for high-quality development in the start-up area.
产业化应用。济南中科泛在智能计算 研究院打造“医、食、住、行、情” 五大未来核心应用场景。济南中科核 技术研究院研发的 IGBT 在线自动检 测系统、车载成像式辐射应急检测系 统、“通道式伽玛成像仪”等产品已 投入应用,X 射线精密检测平台和放 射性药物转化平台已进入调试阶段。
园区正依托中科院平台,积极对接 高校、科研院所和产业链上下游企业,联 合组建创新创业共同体、打造企业孵化 平台、培育战略新兴产业,全力释放科 技及产业集聚效应,打造引领起步区新 动能和高质量发展的增长极。
“起步区是一张白纸,当前大量 低碳建筑拔地而起,未来将有非常广 阔的应用场景。”济南绿动氢能科技 有限公司总经理陈颖介绍,该公司作 为国家电投黄河流域氢能产业基地的 建设主体,未来将在起步区开展氢能 燃料电池关键零部件的研发与生产,打 造氢能应用示范、建设氢能产业生态。 目前,由国家电投集团设计研发的氢 能大巴已在中科新经济科创园运行。
同样进展迅速的还有新能源乘用 车核心零部件产业园,目前该项目已 实现首台设备进场调试,大规模招聘 工作正火热开展中。该项目总建筑面
积约 185 万平方米,是截至目前济南 起步区招引落地的投资规模最大、示 范引领最强的引爆型重大产业项目,全 部建成后用工量超 2 万人,年产值 400 亿元。
而在崔寨组团北部的黄河数字 经济产业园内,京东(山东)数字经 济产业园积极开展科技型企业孵化工 作,已集聚上下游企业近 400 家。过 去大片的农田如今建成连片的精致的 小微企业厂房,以及京东亚洲一号 仓,数字经济在这片土地上蓬勃生长。 (本文由济南新旧动能转换起步区管 委会提供)
In 2019, the ecological protection and high-quality development of Yellow River Basin was elevated to a major national strategy. Consistent with the State Council’s approval, Jinan Start-up Area for Growth Drivers Transformation, as the only one of its kind in the country, has given top priority ecological protection and proposed a new and innovative approach for urban development, exploring new ways to advance high-quality development.
Three years after the launch of the strategy, the “Opinions of the State Council on Deepening the Growth Drivers Transformation and Promoting Green, Low-carbon and High-quality Development in Shandong” was published. According to the Opinions, Shandong will cultivate and develop the capital metropolitan area centering on Jinan, and build a start-up area for growth drivers transformation to high standards. With strong leadership, the start-up area has obtained significant achievements in aspects of planning upgrading, space integration, investment attraction, infrastructure development and mechanism innovation. In the start-up area, the ecological environment continues to be optimized, the carrying capacity is steadily increasing, new growth driver industries are gathering, and the blueprint of the region is becoming a reality along the great river.

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