Page 43 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 43

In Jinan Jinan there is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a group actively participating in in in in in in in in volunteer volunteer volunteer volunteer services and and public public welfare activities devoting to emergency relief and looking after the the needy Serving the the public good they’ve committed to practical actions for national civilized city construction They are collectively called volunteers The The data shows that Jinan has 1 47 million registered volunteers accounting for 15% of the resident population There is is one volunteer volunteer for every 6 6 people in in Jinan and more more than than 60% are are youth Meanwhile there are are more more than than 10 000 000 volunteer volunteer service service organizations and more than 5 000 000 volunteer volunteer service service stations Furthermore Jinan has seen a a a a a a steady yearly increase in in in the the number of registered volunteers and organizations Their voluntary practices cover all aspects of daily life including economic political cultural and ecological environment construction The volunteers are committed to serving the the the elderly the the the needy the the the disabled and etc The volunteers like the the the bright stars in the the the sky give an added sense of warmth to the the the city for virtuous reasons 43 CITY OF SPRINGS
Every good deed is light shining into people's hearts 冬公益、“方桌会”志愿宣讲团⋯⋯ 他们,是支撑起这座志愿之城的“栋
济南这座城市,正走在收获“志愿森 林”的路上——走在了打造志愿之城、服 务之城、公益之城的道路上。
新时代文明实践的春风早已吹向济南 的大街小巷,5600 多个文明实践阵地、每 年 20 余万场次志愿服务,服务群众 1000 多万人次,精准对接、菜单式服务,为老、为 小、为困难群体、为需要心理疏导和情感 慰藉人群、为社会公共提供最需要、最准
确的服务,撑起一片天。 未来,济南市志愿服务培训学院将源
源不断培养出专业的志愿者、志愿队伍,一 个强有力的志愿服务供需总平台将把一个 个优秀的志愿者、一支支专业的志愿队 伍、一个个善良的志愿品牌凝聚在一起,为 这座“志愿之城”注入强大的“志愿力量”。
随着一个个志愿服务平台的建立,一 项项志愿服务活动的开展,“奉献、友爱、互 助、进步”的志愿精神在人们心中不断生 根发芽。
一片志愿的新森林,正从美丽的泉城 拔地而起。

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