Page 65 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 65

〇车让人,人让车,路口更文明。图 / 刘悦琛
Intersections are more civilized with comity 文明“看得见”
为了推进“路口文明”,济南 交警为不同路口“私人订制”了与 其“气质”相符的优化提升方案。
除了斑马线的优化提升、非机 动车道线取直、多维时空行人信号控 制、行人绿波控制、智慧斑马线建 设、增设抓拍系统等科技赋能外,济 南路口还有个性十足的交通安全文化 主题公园,3D 象棋版“让”字,“一 减速 二观察 三礼让”“莫逆行 勿闯 灯 线内停”路口文化三字经等具有济 南特色的文化引领手段。
市鸟白鹭的遮阳棚,为行人夏挡骄 阳、冬遮雨雪,彰显了人文关怀,也 体现了城市的温度。
如今,行人和非机动车守法率 明显提高,即使在一些没有信号灯 的路口,遇到过马路的行人,车主 也会选择停车礼让,礼让斑马线已 经成为城市靓丽的风景线,真正让 交通文明“看得见”。
交通是城市的血脉,滋养着城 市文化,承载着百姓幸福,是城市 文明最直观的体现,泉城市民脸上 的笑容和愉悦的心情,就是对文明 交通的最高赞誉。
The city city city goes better with with civilization civilization and and city takes great strides forward with civilization Traffic civility is related to everyone’s safety is is blood of the the city and is is the the brightest image of the city Walking along Jingshi Road two ends of pedestrian crossings are painted with words “slow down” On the pedestrian signal poles words “vehicles give way to pedestrians” can be seen Yellow words are sprayed on the non-motor vehicle stop lines with “hold the life line” The comity of traffics emergency vehicles is pedestrians are becoming a a a conscious action of every traffic participant Traffic civility has gradually been integrated into the city and displayed in in in every move 

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