Page 77 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 77

行深度合作。并借助经十路东延西扩 契机,打造横贯省会经济圈东西的大 经十路高端文旅产业带,依托区位优 势,发展环泰山文化旅游圈,打造齐 鲁精品山地度假区,共同做大 “中华 国山”品牌。
省会经济圈城市旅游互联互通,交 通设施是关键。济南市第十二次党代 会报告中明确提出,济南将以“一小 时通勤圈”为半径,以推进济淄、济 泰、济德同城化为突破口,积极推进 重点干线铁路和城际铁路建设,形成 一体化发展体制机制。有了“一小时 通勤圈”,“一小时旅游圈”也从蓝 图变为了现实。届时,黄河风景廊道、山 水圣人旅游大通道、环泰山旅游线、大
南山生态旅游走廊等一批旅游通道与 线路,让你可以随时随地来一场说走 就走的旅行。
打造“山水圣人”中华文化枢轴 世界级文旅共同体,平台项目也必不 可少。济南市将共建共推博物馆精品 线上展览项目,定期开展博物馆馆藏 精品线下巡展与互展,并将联合举办 中国非遗博览会展览展示活动,建立 省会经济圈非遗项目库,建设线上非 遗创意集市,推进非遗产业化发展。
同时,济南将探索建立省会经济 圈文旅市场协作联盟、博物馆联盟、图 书馆联盟、省会经济圈文化旅游大集 等专题性合作机制,推进博物馆 ( 纪 念馆 )、文化馆、图书馆和艺术院团合
作交流。联合承接国家、省主办的国 际、国内文化交流活动,提升整体文 化旅游影响力。
智慧时代,济南将共建一体化旅 游大数据交换共享平台,推动旅游政 务、旅游交通、旅游市场、旅游信用 等网络共通、数据共享、成果共认,共 同推进旅游联票、年票等服务,引导 文旅消费,助推产业发展。
未来,当你从“圈心”济南出 发,约 1 小时即可去泰安感受“会当 凌绝顶,一览众山小”的雄浑气势,去 “孔子故里”曲阜领略传承千年的儒 家文化,去淄博品尝鲜香可口的博山 酥锅、周村烧饼等特色美食⋯⋯
Jinan Jinan Jinan will will accelerate accelerate the the the the the the the linkage development development development and and and and and and and shape the the the the the the the regional cultural cultural and and and and and and and tourism tourism brand of of the the provincial
capital economic circle With the the goal of of building a a a a a a a leading demonstration area for for the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese traditional culture Jinan Jinan Jinan will accelerate the cultural and and tourism cooperation of Jinan Jinan Jinan Tai'an and and Jining promote the integrated development of Confucian Culture Culture Culture Mount Tai Culture Culture Culture Yellow River Culture Culture Culture Grand Canal Culture Culture Culture Longshan Culture Culture Culture and and and Spring Culture Culture Culture and and and build a a a a a a a a a world-class cultural and and and tourism community with the core of Chinese culture At the the the same time with the the the opportunity of of the the the expansion of of Jingshi Road from east to west Jinan will build a a a a a a a a high-end cultural and tourism industrial belt along Jingshi Road across the provincial
capital economic circle circle and and develop the cultural tourism circle circle around Mount Tai and and mountain resort expanding the brand of of "Mountain of of China" 

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