Page 81 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 81

civilized city city must be an an an an efficient and harmonious city city of good governance Jinan which won four consecutive awards in the national civilized city city evaluation is such a a a a a a a city city Here grid governance governance effectively promotes the situation of grass roots governance governance Here fine governance improves the quality of of people’s life and and full of of wisdom and and warmth Here the the rule of of law makes peace the the basis of of lives At the the the beginning of summer the the the Daming Lake is is is more flourish Jinan continues to build the the the ecological basis 〇精细化治理让市民生活更便捷更美好。
Refined governance offers easier and better ways to people’s lives 活更方便更舒心更美好。
在这里,法治化治理让平安成 为了一切生活的序幕。
一直以来,济南用法治涵养创建 全国文明典范城市的力量,平安济南 建设得到有力推进。扫黑除恶专项斗 争成果显著,信访积案化解工作成效 明显,生产安全事故起数、死亡人数 分别下降 41 5% 和 43 1%,成为全国 唯一连续 11 年命案全破的省会城市 和毒情最轻的重点城市。
今年,济南将高标准创建市域 社会治理现代化试点城市,建好用
A continuously improve the the the livable level promote the the the intelligent governance and coordinate the the the city with nature production with with with life development with with with security and order with with with vitality A beautiful picture of the harmonious integration of landscape and and city is unfolding in in in in Jinan 好一站式矛盾纠纷调解中心,深化 信访积案和突出问题化解攻坚 加 快创建社会治安防控体系建设示范 城市,常态化开展扫黑除恶斗争,严 厉打击整治电信网络诈骗和拐卖妇 女儿童犯罪行为 健全金融风险监 测评估预警体系,加大非法集资防 范处置力度,银行贷款不良率保持 在较低水平 积极推进城市安全风 险综合监测预警工作体系建设,完 善全链条应急管理体系,扎实开展 安全生产专项整治三年行动,坚决 遏制重特大事故 加强“食安济南”
建设,守牢食品药品安全底线⋯⋯ 筑牢省会安全防线,让城市文明有 法可依、有法呵护,让泉城更加美 好,让省会的软实力和竞争力不断 增强。
夏日初临,大明湖畔的绿意更 浓了几分。济南持续筑就城市生态 本底、不断提升城市宜居水平、创 新推动城市智慧治理,将城市与自 然、生产与生活、发展与安全、秩 序与活力有机统筹协调起来,一幅 山水人城和谐相融的美好画卷在美 丽泉城徐徐铺展开来。

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