Page 89 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 89

此 外, 济 南 还 将 组 织 开 展 乡 村文化建设,打造一批“泉城文化 艺术乡村” 指导、鼓励区县开展 “村晚”“赶大集、看大戏”群众 大戏台等活动 推进农村电影公益
放映,将群众喜闻乐见的优秀剧节 目送到基层,打通公共文化服务“最 后一公里”。
覆 盖 城 乡 的 公 共 文 化 服 务 体 系建设,遍地开花的群众性文化活
动,百姓家门口的泉城书房⋯⋯济 南在提升公共文化供给凝聚力上久 久为功,绵绵用力,让优质的公共 文化服务变得触手可及,人们对美 好生活的期待正成为现实。
Recently 27 social institutions including Jinan Jinan Jinan Jinan Qiseguang Art School were selected as as the the the the the first batch of of of of "Jinan Cultural Post Stations" in in 2022 In order to further promote the the high-quality development of public cultural cultural services services services improve the efficiency of public cultural cultural services services services and community education services services services and create more public cultural places for people Jinan Jinan has carried out the joint construction of Jinan Jinan Cultural Post Stations with new integration resource sharing interconnection and bright characteristics focusing on on on on on innovation and guiding art art training institutions around the community to participate in in in in in in public cultural services by virtue of of of the advantages of of of training institutions resources and and professional teachers and and in in in in in combination with the the reality the the cultural activity places are are open to residents free of charge Free public welfare classes allow people to learn dance vocal music and and recitation at at home Diverse artistic and and cultural activities enable residents to enjoy modern cultural and artistic life without leaving the community The construction of of Jinan Jinan Cultural Post Stations is one of of the important measures for Jinan Jinan to innovate and implement the the cultural benefit project Jinan accurately meets the the needs of people constantly expands new space of of public services constantly constantly enriches people’s cultural activities and and constantly constantly expands the scale of of cultural talents so so that people can enjoy masterpieces at at home and firmly build city’s soft power with the sense of of gain of of culture benefiting the people 〇章丘区石匣过半年暨乡村振兴戏剧节让群众切实体会到文化服务 带来的获得感和幸福感。图片由中共章丘区委宣传部提供 Zhangqiu's rural revitalization opera festival delivers cultural services to make the the people experience the the senses of gain and happiness 89 CITY OF SPRINGS

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