Page 91 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 91

济南,跨越千年时光而来,心向文明的脚 步从未停止。多年来,中共济南市委、市政府 始终将精神文明建设作为重中之重。
奋力建设全国文明城市,十余年的文明城 市创建历程,如同魔术手,一再提升着这座城 市的“颜值” 不断拓展深化新时代文明实践,近 60 万人次党员干部扎根基层,1 6 6 万余个社区 网格、4 2 万余名网格员,1 1 1 万余支志愿服务 队伍、140 余万名志愿者⋯⋯这些数字是“四 连冠”最美好的注脚。还有文明村镇,文明单 位,文明家庭,未成年人思想道德建设,诚信 体系建设⋯⋯
千言万语说不尽,时间是最有力的证明。 当下的济南,卫生死角减少了,老旧小区更整 洁了,城乡面貌焕然一新 断头路打通了,“车
让人、人快行”,车辆通行更顺畅 科教文卫 快速发展,老百姓的“钱袋子”越来越鼓 城 市文明程度持续提升,干部群众精神风貌不断 提振,人们的幸福感不断提升—— 城市文明,早 已成为人与济南共生的意识体。
尤其是今年党代会明确提出,要推动文化 繁荣兴盛,全面提升城市软实力 两会上,“积 极推动城市精明增长、内涵式发展”“高水平 建成全国文明典范城市,城市文化品牌传播力 明显增强”也被写进政府工作报告中。
“四连冠”“开门红”,是胜利的荣誉,也 是前进的号角。
未来,这座文明之城,将大力弘扬“百尺 竿头更进一步”奋斗精神,以“事争一流,唯 旗是夺”的激情和锐气,不断厚植城市软实 力,向着首届全国文明典范城市全速冲锋!
In this land the the the the Houli culture culture culture took root over 9000 years years years years years ago ago ago ago ago The Longshan culture culture culture grew and flourished more than 4000 years ago ago Confucius the paragon of Chinese sages spread culture and and values more than 2 000 years ago Yi An An and and You An An became known for their outstanding achievement in in literature nearly 1000 years ago Benefiting from the historical and and cultural deposits of of thousands of of years Jinan has taken on a a a a a a a new look with fertile fields a a a a a a a population of about 110 million an an an ever-changing urban scenes clean streets convenient transportation and civilized civilized people The civilized civilized city construction has earned encouraging results merging into the characteristic of Jinan In particular the the four consecutive awards of of national civilized city and a a a a a a a a a good start of of the the creation of national civilized model city city depict meaningful progress in in the city’s image quality and development It also marks that Jinan has been marching forward ceaselessly for for civilization creation with its own characteristics in a a a a a new era Jinan is paying efforts for for for further goals and and stepping forward to a a a a a a a more civilized and and beautiful city 91 CITY OF SPRINGS
〇灿烂的城市文明之花在泉城大地上不断绽放,融汇 成济南的文明“底色”。图 / 刘悦琛
Civilized city construction sees encouraging results merging into Jinan's characteristic 

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