Page 64 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年6月刊
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Culture / 文化
在多部电视剧中担任编剧 山东省舞台 艺术青年人才创作扶持项目《我是美人 鱼》的编剧胡成红,创作了《七色花》 《三只小鼠和一锅汤》《丑小鸭》《灰 姑娘与水晶鞋》《成语连连看》《憨憨 熊开诊所》等多部儿童剧 《蹦跶、元 宝和咕呱》的编剧李赛,先后参与了《我 的麦哲伦海峡》《小蝌蚪找妈妈》《我 想变成孙悟空》《老鼠嫁女》等济南儿 艺多部热门剧目的创作,曾获国家艺术
基金青年艺术人才创作资助项目。 2019 年根据中国优秀传统文化创 作的《老鼠嫁女》,至今仍让任晓坪 津津乐道。“我们从传统文化入手,去 思考如何推动中华优秀传统文化创造 性转化、创新性发展,如何在舞台上 更多更好地呈现我们的民族文化,讲 好中国故事,所以我们将其定位为创 新融合剧,既注重融合,更注重创 新。”任晓坪详细讲解到,《老鼠嫁 女》有三大亮点,一是全剧没有一句 台词,全部用肢体语言来呈现,将观 众的关注点放在表演本身,让“讲故 事”不再被语言束缚,不受年龄、地 域的限制。二是在作品配乐中,把京 剧、地方戏曲及山东民间音乐曲调等 结合在一起,运用唢呐、古筝、琵琶 等中国传统民族乐器。三是把多个国 家级的非物质文化遗产项目与故事情 节巧妙地结合起来,如木版年画体现 在舞美中,一些花纹样式还用于演员 服装、造型 剪纸、潍坊风筝等既作 为舞美元素,又在道具中有所体现 舞 舞 狮、鼓子秧歌则作为表演的一部分,用 来推动剧情发展。“话剧最大的优势
是语言,这部剧反其道而行,舍弃了 我们的优势。开始我们也担心全靠肢 体表现,孩子们能不能看懂,后来发 现担心是多余的,孩子们不仅看得 懂,还非常喜欢看,跟着剧情笑得前 仰后合,有个小观众甚至看了 7 遍”,任 晓坪笑言。《老鼠嫁女》的演绎不仅 让传统的非遗作品活了起来,有了新 的艺术生命,还让小朋友们在观看剧 目的同时,迈出了认知“非遗”的第 一步,让孩子在潜移默化中感受到传 统文化之美。
美国著名教育家约翰·杜威曾 说:“戏剧作为一种重要的教学方法,对 孩子的学习、表达、合作、想象和社交 等能力的培养具有不可替代的优势,是 音乐、美术等其他艺术教育不能比拟 的。”真正好的儿童剧就像被精心打 磨过的艺术品,让孩子在娱乐氛围下 获得启迪和震撼。任晓坪表示,“未 来,儿艺将继续用真诚与情怀,责任 与担当,创作叫好又叫座的儿童剧,让 孩子真正去体验戏剧的魅力,让儿童 剧惠及更多的孩子。”(本文图片除 署名外由济南市儿童艺术剧院提供)
Founded in in in in in in in in 1984 Jinan Children’s Art Theatre is the the the the only professional children’s art theatre in in in in in in in in Shandong It It has produced and performed dozens of plays such as “My Family’s Robot”“Little Man”“The Younger Da Shun”“Little White Turtle”“Baby”“Magic Cube Fantasia”“Me and My Shadow”“Strait of of Magellan of of Mine”“Green Dream”“The Child Child Wearing Star”“Childhood”“Rainbow Flower”“Reynard the the Fox”“Adventures in in in the the Land of Falsehood”“Three Monks”“Idioms Play”“Variations on on on Chinese Characters”“The Mouse Marries Its Daughter” and etc Jinan Children’s Art Theatre has received over 30 national-level awards awards and nearly 100 provincial-level awards awards including “The 2nd National Award for Outstanding Outstanding Repertoire”“Top Ten Outstanding Outstanding Plays of of Works of of Excellence on on the Nation's Stage”“Wenhua Award”“Wenhua Award Award Award for Best Best New Productions”“The Best Best Works Award”“Gold Medal of of the 4th China Top Ten Performance Festival”“National Theatre Culture Award - Excellent Children's Play of of Golden Lion Award Award Award for for Stage Play”“Outstanding Play Play Play Award Award Award of National Children's Play Play Play Performance Award”“China Population Culture Award”“Group Award Award Award for for for Drama Performance of the the 23rd Shanghai Magnolia Awards” and so forth The theatre has has been selected for for National Arts Fund projects for for several times The theatre has has hosted the the “Parent-child Play Festival” for 13 consecutive years since 2009 building an an influential brand in in in in the the national children's theatre market Over the past 30 years Jinan Children’s Art Theatre has performed in in more than 200 cities counties and districts across China with a a a a a a a a a a total of of over over 10 10 000 performances and an an an audience of of over over 10 10 million It has also visited the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions Singapore South Korea Denmark Sweden Japan Germany the UK Romania Canada and and Mexico for for performance and and communication 64 CITY OF SPRINGS

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