Page 67 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年6月刊
P. 67

文 化
者要为败者斟酒,败者要用大杯饮 酒。陈耀辉解释,“这体现出了咱 们中国人胜不骄败不馁、相互尊重 的人文精神,更与当前推崇的‘友 谊第一比赛第二’的奥林匹克竞赛 精神不谋而合。”
陈耀辉为我们演示了一套完 整的射箭礼仪,行礼、请弓、握 弓、 搭 箭 ⋯⋯ 整 个 过 程 沉 心 静 气、庄严肃穆,作为旁观者的我们 即使不懂其中奥义,也忍不住一起 放慢呼吸,凝神欣赏。也许这就是 射礼的魅力所在。
可叹的是,射艺对于当代中国 人来说,已然非常陌生。虽然随着 近几年射箭文化的推广,更多人了 解认识了射箭文化和礼仪,但仍没 能走出“困局”。
打破困局非一日之功,亦非一 人之力。
从业余学习射箭,再到辞去从 事了 16 年的媒体工作转身投入射 箭行业,陈耀辉已经走过了 10 年,其 间他曾 7 次获得全国传统弓箭比赛 冠军的荣誉,在自己开设的弓圃教 授射艺,也曾赔掉所有积蓄靠朋友 的帮助咬牙坚持。即使偶尔稍显落 寞,这位“孤独箭客”始终勇敢又 坚毅,现在的他依然心无挂碍,只 取一念——把传统弓箭文化推广出 去,“我知道这不是一条好走的 路,但我一定会继续坚持下去。”(本 文图片除署名外由被访者提供)
Chen Yaohui is dedicated to popularizing the archery culture The art art of of of of of archery archery archery has gained an an an an an an an important place in in in in in in in traditional traditional Chinese culture Over thousands of of years the ritual of of archery with its distinctive features and moral education functions denotes humanistic spirit and sportsmanship of the Chinese As a a a a a a traditional Chinese art the value of archery lies not only in in masterly skills but in its history as as a a a a a a game with etiquette and a a a a a a respect for the the the cultivation of of the the the body and mind Sadly the the the art of of archery is entirely unfamiliar to us Although awareness of archery spreads with a a a a a a a vigorous promotion there is still a a a a long way to go go in in in gaining popularity Archery has changed Chen Yaohui’s life Through practising archery in spare time he he he found his his ideal career - - when he he he quit his his 16-year work in the media and concentrated on on on archery archery full-time Chen won archery archery gold at at National Traditional Target Archery Championship seven times He pumped all his savings into the the business and was able to to carry on with the the help of of friends In spite of of a a sudden inexpressible loneliness Chen Yaohui has hitherto been devoted to to promoting the the art of traditional archery 67 CITY OF SPRINGS

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