Page 77 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年6月刊
P. 77

旅 游
〇直 20 战术通用直升机
Z-20 Utility Helicopter
70 多年烽火硝烟的中国空军,正以空 前的自信和坚定的步伐阔步向前。任 重道远,使命荣光。愿我们的战鹰展 开双翅,向世界一流的强军目标,乘 风翱翔。
雄鹰展翅,虎啸龙吟。搏击苍穹 长空铸剑,逐梦云端。一代代激 的天之骄子,用超人的胆魄和精湛的 情四溢的航空人励精图治,向天图强。 技艺,向飞行极限发起了挑战。那瞬 他们把青春和热血,凝聚成壮志凌云 息万变的特技表演,就像一幕精彩耀 的利剑 用民族担当的铁骨脊梁,在 目的空中芭蕾,给观众带来一场无与 蓝天上铸就了守护和平的一道天网。 伦比的蓝天盛宴。 银鹰塑军魂,航展壮国威。历经
On a a a a a a a crisp autumn morning we we were pleasantly surprised by the the enchanting scenery of the the garden-like seaside city which had a a a a a a a special traffic line for the airshow shrouded in in tall trees and flower blossoms Zhuhai Airshow Centre has 100 000 000 square square meters meters of of indoor exhibition space and 360 000 000 square square meters meters of of outdoor exhibition space with over a a a a a a a a hundred aircraft on on display Tourists from far and wide gathered to enjoy the the pyrotechnics display including colorful contrails crisscrossing the sky 77 CITY OF SPRINGS
T he he 13th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition kicked off in in in Zhuhai in in in October 2021 The event one of of the the the the five top air shows around the the the the world world commanded the the the the attention of of the the the the world world This year Zhuhai Airshow was ripe with new developments and concepts from the country's aviation industry We came to to Jinwan Airport to to see the display display of real-size products technological exchange and flying display display 

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