Page 15 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年10月刊
P. 15

“建筑铁军”,中建八局二公司一直被誉为“南征 北战的铁军、重点建设的先锋”,用一座座精品工 程、一项项社会担当,铸就了“令行禁止、使命必 达”的铁军文化。四川汶川、青海玉树援建,利比 亚大撤离、河南防汛救灾,隔离病房援建,乡村振 兴践行⋯⋯中建八局二公司闻令而动、勇于逆行,用 实际行动诠释初心和使命,用真诚付出诠释“哪里 有需要,就去哪里”。
Taking root in Shandong province, the Second Construction Limited Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) focuses on the markets in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen and also expends overseas. The Company is dedicated to becoming the most productive comprehensive construction services provider that contributes more actively to value creation.
The company help Jinan realize rapid economic growth in recent years, and has secured the city’s transformation with its quality and reliability. Contracted by the company, the constructions of the Science Center of National Supercomputing Center in Jinan, Resettlement Housing in Jingshiyi Road, and Shandong First Medical University were completed ahead of schedule. The 428-meter-high Shandong International Financial Center (IFC), the tallest building in Shandong, has added a brand new city card to Jinan, and has become a new landmark showing the modern image of a “strong provincial capital”. Jinan Rail Transit Line 1 has received the Zhan Tianyou Award, which is known as the Oscar Award in China’s construction
探索现代、绿色、智慧运营新模式,让城市在可持 续的和谐发展中闪耀未来之光,中建八局二公司以匠心 雕琢建筑之美,为城市开启无限未来。
在济南,随着城市发展格局再升级,中建八局二公 司也正为济南新时代社会主义现代化强省会建设汇聚强 大力量,以匠心“筑”梦,“建”证城市美好生活。(本 专题图片除署名外由中建八局第二建设有限公司提供)
industry. Jinan Rail Transit Line 2 starts operation, making the city of springs advance to the “metro era”. The Urban Balcony and the Yellow River International Convention and Exhibition Center in Jinan Start-up Area for Growth Drivers Transformation has helped the rise of a smart new city.
Motivated by innovation, the company has been promoting high-quality corporate development. It launches model innovation, making leapfrog development in all fields. It applies management innovation, revolutionizing the supply-chain finance business characterized by “Internet plus construction”, and enhancing the internal motivation to surpass the achievements made by itself. It emphasizes on technological innovation, remaining unique advantages in more than 10 fields, and boosting green construction in an all-round manner. It is committed to ensuring the highest standards of social responsibility wherever its constructions are made.
As Jinan is advancing the urban development to higher levels, the company continuously pushes forward urban construction in the city with integrity, confidence and forces.

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