Page 19 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年10月刊
P. 19

体推进“三不”机制建设,构建“1+3+X” 大监督格局,创新工作理念,从严治 党走深走实;发挥巡察震慑作用。完 善巡视巡察整改“七步工作法”,梳 理措施清单 259 项,已全部销项整改 完成;强化内部巡察,选配 74 名骨干 组成巡察干部库,形成“1+10”制度 体系,预计到 2022 年底完成内部常规 巡察全覆盖。
日前,中建八局二公司在各重点 项目分别成立了 32 支“学党史 践行动” 党员先锋队,充分发挥党员先锋模范 作用,助力项目建设高效运行。疫情、高 温、暴雨、泥泞⋯⋯最艰苦的施工环 境里,总能见到他们忙碌的身影;技 术、物资、现场⋯⋯制约工程建设的 难题面前,总能见到他们行动的步伐。
唤新担当。中建八局第二建设有限公 司以党的政治建设为统领,以坚定理 想信念宗旨为根基,以基层党组织建 设为重点,不断加强党的领导、提高 党建水平、推进全面从严治党向纵深 发展,以锐意进取、永不懈怠的精神 状态和敢闯敢干、一往无前的奋斗姿 态,脚踏实地、苦干实干,在高质量 发展的征程中开启“加速模式”。
Only by putting intense efforts to make enterprises stronger can the enterprises contribute to the prosperity of the country. In the new era, high-quality Party building is the secret of the rapid growth and development of Chinese enterprises.
The Second Construction Limited Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) is well aware of the significance of Party building that secures to achieve high-quality development of state- owned enterprises. To promote quality Party building, the company must better implement the Party’s organizational line in the new era, and take the concrete step in combining organization building, system building, cadre selection and training, talent training with Party building leading.
In recent years, the company has been raising its political stance and strengthening its responsibility. It has reinforced Party building in a pragmatic approach, continuously enhancing the leadership of Party organizations of the company, increasing its internal cohesion, invigorating its creativity, so as to guarantee the company’s high-quality development that is led by high-quality Party building.
〇中建八局二公司充分发挥党建引领保障作用,推动项目生产建设向快向好发展。图 / 宋新生
The company gives full play to the leading and security role of Party building, and boosts the rapid and sound development of project construction.
/ 封面故事

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