Page 47 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年10月刊
P. 47

The company enriches the corporate culture to propel the leapfrog development of enterprises.
“民工影院”,适时播放红色影片,推 动工友村业余文化建设;开展“冬 送温暖,夏送清凉,节日送慰问” 活动、“我为群众办实事”活动,落 实“四送”“两保”等关爱工友 8 件暖心事。
近期,陆续开展 “喜迎二十大,建 功新时代”百日攻坚劳动竞赛及 “质 量评比竞赛”“行为安全之星”“绿 色施工评比”等活动,集中开展火情
报警、应急救援等技能培训,开设工 友法律讲堂、“融技能”工友培训课、“五 福关爱”交流会等,为工友提供持续 性成长服务。
工友党员是工程建设的主力军,是 企业高质量发展的重要力量,中建八 局二公司创新实践工友党员管理模 式,组建“工友党员驿家”、创办“工 地板房党校”,通过加强组织建设、阵 地建设,进一步唤醒工友党员的责任
和先锋意识。 中建八局二公司始终践行中建信
条·铁军文化,以先进文化引领千军 万马,以核心价值凝聚万里之遥,2022 年明确了“安不忘危,革新不止”的 年度主题词,打造“线上、线下”宣 传平台,不断丰富企业文化载体,提 升文化吸引力、凝聚力、创造力,实 现企业文化内化于心、外化于行,助 推企业跨越式发展。
Formerly known as the 28th Regiment of the 10th Division of the 4th Army of the 2nd Corps, Northwest Field Army, the Second Construction Limited Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) came into being in 2006, after it was reorganized for several times for change in nature.
The company has carried forward and raised the Northwest Field Army’s fine quality to a higher level, through challenge and triumph. The invincible army has explicitly enshrined these values into their culture, which is “missions must be reached with strict enforcement of orders and prohibitions”. It has further fostered a corporate culture system with the Iron Army culture as the soul and the innovation, quality and integrity cultures as the content of the enterprise. Its responsibility fueled its mission: to expand spaces of happiness for the people and the country. Sticking to the core values of “providing excellent quality and value creation”, the company keeps forging forward with a lot of dynamic creativity, contributing to huge strides forward of cities.
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