Page 34 - 8月刊专题
P. 34

            Focus       专题                                                                                                                                                                                     新   动能     济南     跨越

                                                                                                                                            ndustries form a vital part in replacing old growth drivers with new ones.
                                                                                                                                                Jinan, as a prior zone for replacing old growth drivers with new ones
                                                                                                                                         Iapproved by the State Council, has set a goal of high-end, high-quality, efficient
                                                                                                                                         development that highlights new technologies, new industries, new forms and new
                                                                                                                                         patterns. The city has put an enormous amount of effort into building a modern high-
                                                                                                                                         end industrial system, by dint of revitalization plan for the ten 100-billion-yuan-scale
                                                                                                                                         industries including big data and new generation information technology, intelligent
                                                                                                                                         manufacturing and high-end equipment, quantum technology, biomedicine, advanced
                                                                                                                                         materials, industrial finance, modern logistics, health care, cultural tourism, science and
                                                                                                                                         technology services.
                                                                                                                                            Over the past year, Jinan led the way in the process of replacing old growth
                                                                                                                                         drivers with new ones. It took advantage of the right to reform and make test cases to
                                                                                                                                         promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries by fostering the ten
                                                                                                                                         100-billion-yuan-scale industries. Big data and new generation information technology,
                                                                                                                                         intelligent manufacturing and high-end equipment industries achieved 300 billion yuan
                                                                                                                                         of main business income. Health care, cultural tourism industries attained a scale of 100
                                                                                                                                         billion yuan. Progress in quantum technology has been particularly striking. Jinan city
          科技创新为济南经济发展添活力。图 / 宗爱迪                                                                                                         was ranked No.1 for comprehensive assessment of economic and social development
          Scientific and technological innovation is infusing vitality into Jinan's economic development.
                                                                                                                                         in Shandong and was awarded the “promote high-quality development” honor. It has
                                                                                                                                         been rated as a global second-tier city according to the latest world city ranking.
                                                                                                                                            Full of vim and vigor, Jinan is working on its own version of the ten 100-billion-
              科技服务:打通创新转化链                                     企业总量达到 1636 家,同比增长 42.5%。获得国家科技                                           yuan-scale industries, advancing at a steady pace for the building-up of an inclusive,
              科技引领未来,创新驱动转型。近年来,济南正在用科                         进步二等奖 2 项、省奖 65 项,约占全省三分之一。山东                                             competitive, beautiful, prosperous and well-connected modern city.
          技创新重新诠释这座千年古城。                                       产业技术研究院、齐鲁科创大走廊、“院士谷”等一批新
              2018 年,济南高新技术产业产值占规上工业总产值比重                      型创新平台加紧规划建设,科技企业孵化器达 47 家、众
          达到 55.56%,万人有效发明专利拥有量达到 29.28 件,泰山                   创空间 160 家。获批建设国家知识产权保护中心。建成国
          产业领军人才入选数量首次超过青岛、烟台,均位居全省第一。                         内首家地方级科技创新决策剧场;
          在全球科研城市 200 强榜单中,济南排 81 位;在全省区域科                         我们惊喜地看到,科技对外开放成效显著。新建海外孵
          创能力评价中,济南排第 1 位,高新区在国家级高新区综合                         化器 1 家、海外研发机构 10 家,德国斯图加特中德中小企业
          排名中跃居第 11 位、全省首位,超额完成“区域性科创中心                        协同创新中心孵化企业 60 余家,一批企业通过该平台实现了
          建设三年行动纲要”确定的指标。                                      跨国合作和并购。连续 4 年成功举办中德中小企业合作交流会 ,
              枯燥的数据,呈现的是“济南科技”让人惊喜的创新速度,                       让济南企业走出去,对接海外科技创新创业资源;
          也是这座城市积极向上的生命力。                                          我们惊喜地看到,区域科创工作亮点纷呈。历城区、天
              我们惊喜地看到,政策环境不断优化。制定出台“科技                         桥区上榜入围 2018 年度全国科技创新百强区,平阴县获得中
          新 11 条”“高校 20 条”“人才新政 30 条”等实施细则 49 项,               国玫瑰产品博览会永久举办地,历下区依托科技金融大厦形
          让企业引得进、留得住、用得好;                                      成“双招双引”洼地,市中区成为全市唯一获批的“山东省
              我们惊喜地看到,高精尖大院大所汇聚。2018 年,先后                      大数据产业集聚区”;
          引进中科院苏州医工所、工程热物理所、植物基因编辑院士                               ……
          团队等研发和成果转化机构 103 家。其中,中科院系重点院                            漫步于济南,从大学院所的实验室到企业的车间厂房,
          所 5 家,诺奖工作站 3 家,揭牌国家科技领军人才创新创业                       到处弥漫着科技创新带来的变化,但要在新旧动能转换中当
          济南基地;                                                好排头兵,济南仍需努力奔跑。
                                                                                                                                       图 / 中共章丘区委宣传部

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                                                        CITY OF SPRINGS                                                                                                                CITY OF SPRINGS
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