Page 8 - 10月
P. 8

ᆃᇕࡹഡ֥o࠶ଲ෎؇pᄝ҂؎ഈဆb                                    ၂ཛཛյ௥ൗࢸ੉؎֥࠯ඌӮۿႄࣉđ၂஻஻ಆݓਵ஝֥ཛ
                                                                                                                                           ሱ ̿̽̾̓ ୍ ̾̿ ᄅđ೶תസᆟکӈༀ߶ၰथקӮ৫࠶ଲݓ                   ଢࠅಣष۽đ၂۱۱௥ࢳ၄࿐Ӂြؿᅚ଴ี֥Էྍईծ໊ۚ
                                                                                                                                       ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏ۽ቔླྀט๷ࣉቆᆭರఏđ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐                           ๷׮ll
                                                                                                                                       ᇏྏᄝസ൧ਆࠩ֔຾aᆟک֥ࡔ఼ਵ֝༯đॹۄൌۄđಆ৯                               ࢩᇀଢభđ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏ৆࠹దඇކቔླྀၰބ
                                                                                                                                       ๷׮b                                                  ઋֹཛଢ ̾̓̽ ۱đࡹഡ۽ӱष۽ཛଢ ̿ͅ ۱đሹࡹᇽ૫ࠒ ̓͂̽
                                                                                                                                           ࣜݖ࣍ ̀ ୍ઔ҂๔ึֹࡹഡđ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏᄝᆃ                      ຣ௜ٚ૜đሹ๧ೆ ̓̽ͅ ၡჭbՖ၂ᅦড๭֞၂ٚಣ๲đՖཛ
                                                                                                                                       ோളࠏѱѱ֥๲ֹഈđӔሢoݓ࠽߄aۚ؊߄aห೤߄p֥                           ଢᄉࠢ֞ᇆ৯ڶࠢa॓࠯ऊࠢaҍڶ߸ࠢđ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓
                                                                                                                                       ؿᅚٚཟđۄ൙Էြđߨ೒ಣ࿓ğۚఏׄሂܿ߃aིۚିሂ                           ࿐ᇏྏᆞᗌఏӮڂb (本专刊图片除署名外由济南国际医学
                                                                                                                                       ๷ࣉa૮ሙభခሂᅱഅaऊࢊۚ؊ሂႄЕaҷథνᇂሂЌᅰll                         科学中心管委会提供)

          文 / 方鸿  图 / 刘悦琛                                                                                                                  inan Medical Center (JMC) has a overall planning area of approximately 45 square meters, including a core area of 10 square meters. JMC has
                                                                                                                                           been generating strong momentum as the constructions of high-end projects at the cutting edge of technology are taking place with surprising
              ሱ࠶ଲ൧߆ၸ౵ౝ֛ਫ਼၂ਫ਼ཟ༆ь֞ਔ೶תֻ၂၄॓ն                         Ӯުđॖၛಞᇖਿߑᆀᄝᆃ৚ཚ൳ۚ؊ᇍਏb෱Ֆఓ׮ॉҳ                                              Jspeed.
          ࿐b෱࠹߃Ⴈ ͂ ୍ቐႷ֥ൈࡗࡹӮݓଽ၂ੀ֥׿৫၄॓ն࿐                         ંᆣ֞ᆞൔष۽ࣇႨਔ ̾̀̿ ฿Ġݓࡅࡲू၄ਏնඔऌКٚᇏྏđ                                             Following the direction of internationalization, high end and specialization, JMC has unveiled a high starting point for planning, achieved
                                                                                                                                       high-quality construction with high efficiency, attracted massive investments of the world's cutting-edge medical health technologies, focused on
          ބസଽቋնaಆݓభਙaݓ࠽ᆩ଀֥၄࿐࿹࣮ᇏྏĠႨ ̾̽ ୍                        ߸ऊКֹٚ౵ ̓ ၡದ१ಆളଁᇛ௹֥ඔऌb෱Ֆ࿊ᆶ֞ఓ׮
                                                                                                                                       high-level projects for promoting development, and created a high standard of satisfaction for the resettlement project. Through continuous hard
          ቐႷ֥ൈࡗđᆜุϷ࿐ඣ௜໊ंݓଽ၄࿐ۚ཮భ ̾̽ ໊bࣉೆ                        ࡹഡ҂֞ ̀ ۱ᄅൈࡗĠ৖ݓࡅࡲू၄ਏնඔऌКٚᇏྏ҂ჹ
                                                                                                                                       work and unceasing efforts, JMC has brought in techniques that break up the world’s monopoly, started construction of projects that will lead the
          ཮ჳđ௜ᆜ֥֡ਫ਼aੳ೤ള෿֥ܴࣟა၂ቖቖགྷս߄ੌდཌྷ                           ࣼ൞ݓࡅದো၌Ԯሧჷ೶תԷྍᇏྏđᆃ৚ࡼࡹഡ ̿ͅ ۱ᇗն
                                                                                                                                       country, employed a series of innovative approaches to help leapfrog development problems in the medical industry.
          ޺ߩ႘bط ̾ ୍؟ၛభđᆃ৚ߎ൞၂ோܼጇ֥୪โބ໬ചb                         ࠥѨ၌ԮဢЧ९ބ࠯ඌӮݔሇ߄ࠎֹll
                                                                                                                                           To date JMC has secured 160 medical projects. Among them, 28 projects have started construction with a total construction area of 6.5 million
              ቔູ೶תྍࣸ׮ିሇߐ֥ઋֹཛଢބ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐                             ᄝ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏሹܿ߃૫ࠒჿ ́͂ ௜ٚ܄৚aނ                                         square meters and a total investment of 60.8 billion CNY. JMC has seen significant growth with surprisingly strong momentum by virtue of the
          ᇏྏ֥o၂ݼ۽ӱpđ೶תസᇖਿ၄ჽᇉሰਢԵ࿹࣮ᇏྏࡹ                           ྏ౵ ̾̽ ௜ٚ܄৚֥๲ֹഈđᆃဢభခaۚ؊֥ཛଢббࢥ൞đ                                          gathering of projects, intelligence, technologies and wealth in the region.

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