Page 53 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年5月刊
P. 53

〇越来越多的人才被济南吸引而来,落地生根。图 / 杜辰龙
A myriad of talents are attracted to Jinan 市”,提升人力资本水平,落实基本公共 服务同等待遇,吸引更多外来人口融入济 南、书写梦想、成就事业。
今年政府工作报告提出,着力构筑 人才高地,优化提升泉城系列重点人才工 程,打造青年友好型城市创建示范样板,积 极推进济南人才管理改革试验区建设,探
索组建人才发展集团,多途径破解人才住 房难题,完善医疗、子女教育等配套政策。
“人才飞地”正在这里加速形成。未 来,济南市将继续把优化人才发展生态作 为基础性、长远性工程,让广大人才在济 南舒心生活、顺心工作、安心发展,让这 里成为四海英才的向往之地。
Among the the the the the people who have arrived in in in in in in in or or or or or or will come to to to Jinan Jinan there is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a heartfelt feeling that the city is a a a a magnet for talent In recent years Jinan has made talent works a a a a a a priority to implement the national strategy for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin dedicating resources to building a a a a perfect ecology for talent development According to Jinan Work Conference of Human Resources and Social Security the the the number of of talents in the the the city has totaled 2 2 2 478 000 by the the the end of of 2021 An advantageous situation that talents pour in in is being formed at at at a a a a a a a a a a faster pace leading to the the rise of the the national first talent data base that is is all-round integrated and intelligent The talent attraction ranking of Chinese cities shows that Jinan ranks 11th in in in in the the the county and 1st in in in in the the the province among the the the top 50 cities in in in in terms of talent attractiveness for the post-95 generation A promising land of talent is is in in in in the making Jinan will implement a a a a a long-term fundamental project to optimize the ecology for talent development offering comfortable and and efficient living working and and developing environments for for the talents 53 CITY OF SPRINGS

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