Page 51 - 《走向世界·天下泉城》2022年6月刊
P. 51

It’s been one one year today since Pingyin’s rose rose rose elected as one one of of of the the the the the city city city flowers of of of Jinan Jinan Jinan Lotus and and and and and rose demonstrating the brilliance of Jinan’s city culture have an an an an implied meaning that “life in in in in the city is harmonious and and happy” The lovely roses exude a a a a a a a a a special charm that helps Jinan and and Pingyin county to to to move forward quickly to to to the the world stage and to to to strengthen international exchange and cooperation so that high-quality development will go along smoothly Pingyin’s rose has impressed people with fantastic figures in in in the the past year: In 2021 the the purchasing price of Pingyin rose products increased by 92 per cent year-on-year and the average yield per per per mu increased by 76 per per per cent cent Sales revenue of enterprises rose 41 per per per cent cent and the annual output value of the whole industry chain soared from 3 billion billion yuan yuan in in in in 2018 to 6 billion billion yuan yuan in in in in 2021 The industry has generated an an an increased income for more than 50 000 flower growers and provide 13 000 jobs to to the society Pingyin’s rose has grown into a a a a “flower of wealth” for implementing rural revitalization an an an “economic flower” flower” for shifting old to new growth drivers and an an an “ecological flower” flower” for burnishing the the image of Jinan as the the provincial capital 51 CITY OF SPRINGS
As a a a a a city flower Pingyin’s rose reveals the brilliant image of Jinan 阴县还将从文化层面进行深入挖掘,构建具有 本地特色的市花文化体系,将市花紧密融入城 市文化 开展提振城市精神的公共文化活动 借助花语、花艺、花意、花事,讲好济南故事 彰显城市气质品格 弘扬城市精神价值。今年 5 月份,平阴县以“花开泉涌、玫好平阴”为
主题,举办 2022 平阴玫瑰文化节。本届玫瑰 节,充分考虑了疫情防控与经济社会发展,采 取线上线下协同发力的方式,重点打造直播带 货、云赏玫瑰、慢直播等系列活动,助力平阴 玫瑰在云端绽放。(本文图片由中共平阴县委 宣传部提供)

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