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壮丽 70 年


一部交通变迁史,就是一曲慷慨激昂的时代变奏曲。 快速路架构起“两横三纵”的快速路网;“三主一辅”
新中国成立 70 年来,济南这座千年古城中的每一位 客运模式串联起京沪高铁、济青高铁等铁路线组成的
市民的生活都随着时代的变革发生着变化,每一位市民 “米”字型铁路格局;“三桥一隧”破除交通瓶颈,
家中也都如本文作者刘关权老先生一样,有一部“交通 让济南加速迈向“黄河时代”;济南遥墙国际机场二
工具变迁史”:从步行到自行车、公交车,到摩托车、 期改扩建工程正在如火如荼地进行,城市综合交通枢
私家车,还有高铁、飞机。回望路上交通工具的变迁, 纽亟待蝶变;共享单车、共享汽车、新能源公交共绘
我们感受到了济南交通的巨变。 泉城环保新画卷;轨道交通 1 号线终圆济南地铁梦,
如今,济南城市路网日益完善,二环东路南延、 未来,R3 与 R2 号线也即将驶入泉城市民生活中,
二环西路南延、顺河高架南延、北园高架西延等 6 条 打通济南交通新动脉……

The changes that have taken place in Jinan in the past 70 years are very significant. As this year marks the 70th anniversary of
the founding of the People's Republic of China, Jinan city that has made enormous and impressive progress has embarked
upon a new phase of breakthroughs, with many lessons learned along the way and proper blueprints created towards the
future. The achievement over the past 70 years in Jinan’s transportation is a great transformation, from the departure and arrival of train
for the first time and the nearly completed crisscrossing railway lines, from bumpy dirt roads to broad and flat streets, and from having
very limited means of travel to enjoying convenient and alternative ways of transportation. Public transportation in Jinan is constantly
changing and achieving amazing achievements.

奔驰的高铁动车连通着济南与全国各地。图 / 孙帅
The high-speed rail trains connect Jinan with all other parts of the country.


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