Page 9 - 8月刊专题
P. 9
P56 高新区:构筑动能转换前沿高地 读城 City
Jinan Innovation Zone: Creating a Frontline for
目录 Contents Replacing Old Growth Drivers with New Ones P86 历下区文化馆:用文化提升居民幸福
Lixia District Cultural Center: Promoting a
Feeling of Well-being with Culture
P60 省级开发区:聚力高质量发展
Provincial-level Development Area: Gathering Efforts P90 我的祖国我的家
to Boost High-quality Growth My Motherland My Family
壮丽 70 年,奋斗新时代 专 栏 Column
新动能 新济南 新跨越
New Growth Drivers, New Jinan,
New Leap-forward P92 我曾是杀猪姑娘
P64 云想衣裳
The Change of Clothing I Was a Female Butcher
新动能,激发新活力;新济南,正在实 P93 雨后赏荷大明湖
现新跨越。2018 年,济南市场主体增速位 P66 Appreciate Lotus in Daming Lake After Rain
居全省第一,获评中国企业营商环境十佳城 我和房子的故事
市,在全省新旧动能转换考核中荣获“一等” The House and Me P94 多姿多彩育红班
第一名;今年上半年 , 济南经济主要指标继
Vibrant Experience of Pre-school Education
争中扬起龙头。 人物 People P95 侍凉风
Waiting for Cool Breeze
P68 于大智:行走的智者
Yu Dazhi: A Wise Man Who Keeps Progressing
专题 Focus
P12 先行者的步履 P18 走进新旧动能转换泉城论坛
Firm Steps of the Pioneer Forum for Replacing Old Growth Drivers 现代泉城 Modern Jinan
with New Ones in Previous Years
P70 品质市中,呈现最美姿态
P20 营商环境让企业舒心 P24 十大千亿级产业的“济南故事”
Creating Convenient Business Environment for Jinan’s Version of Ten 100-Billion-Yuan- Quality Shizhong District Shows Its Best Look
Enterprises Scale Industries
P74 长清区,从“一点红”到“一线红”
P34 双招双引,济南有勇有谋 P38 构建大交通,助力大发展 Party Building Yields Remarkable Results in
Extraordinary Courage and Strength of Build Integrated Transport Links to Boost Changqing District
Jinan to Attract Investment and Talent Development
P78 平阴一中高考背后的故事
P42 济南新旧动能转换先行区全速起势 P44 正在崛起的济南国际医学科学中心 Stories of National College Entrance Examination
Jinan Prior Zone for Replacing Old Growth Drivers Jinan Medical Center in the Making of Pingyin NO.1 High School
with New Ones Advancing at Full Speed P86
历下区文化馆是开展群众文化活动的主阵地,自 1956 年成立至今,已为
P82 “双招双引”赋能章丘动能转换 辖区居民服务了 63 年,用越来越丰富的产品服务伴随着一代又一代的辖区居
P48 济南国际金融城:与国际接轨的金融新高地 P52 济南国际内陆港渐行渐近
Jinan International Finance City: A New Financial Jinan International Land Port Coming Close “ I n t r o d u c t i o n o f I n v e s t m e n t a n d T a l e nt ” 民成长。
Highland in Line with International Standards Generating New Growth Drivers for Zhangqiu
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