Page 64 - 10月
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ࠢa࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏܵ߶ٚ܋ࡹboཛଢࡹӮުđ ॓ದჴઋ࠶ଲđቓԛႋႵ܊ངbpᅦ؊ᄝҐ٠ᇏіൕb ਆՑݓ࠽߶ၰ ̸ ၂Ցԛ٠đࡼݢݓ၂Ⴊᇉ၄ਏू
ࡼิۚૌ֥ਢԵᇍਏඣđູϤྠิ܂ۚ؊֥१స၄ਏ အሧჷࢺക֞࠶ଲđࡆധਔᇏݢਆݓ၄ਏࠏܒ֥ࢌੀކ
ڛༀbpתസ৫१స၄ളࠢؿఏದᅦתശіൕb ݓ࠽இ߶ၰđᇹ৯ूအӬࡹഡ ቔđູᇏݢਆݓᄝતѨٝ॥aۚ؊၄ૅaڹႼЌࡲ
ᄝෛުࣉྛ֥ᇏݢචшЌࡲ၄ਏކቔ߶ၰഈđචٚ߭ܤ ၂ӆഹ߶đཌྷऊෙ؋ᄠđ႕ཙಏӉbॖၛඪđᆃ۱ြ ֩ਵთᅚषކቔקਔਅݺࠎԤ֥ൈđ္ಞЧՑࢌੀ
ਔ୍࣍ࠫটᇏݢЌࡲ၄ਏކቔٚ૫֥Ӯࠛބࣜဒđຶಡ܋ ࢸഹ߶ູࣉ၄࿐ᇏྏݓ࠽߄յषਔ၂ഁđᆃഁಞ၄࿐ ߶ᄝ࠶ඨ০ईϷӮູсಖb
ܱྏ֥໙ีđၛࠣᇏݢᄝۚa॓a၄ਏࠏܒࡗ֥ކቔࣉ ᇏྏႵਔ۷ܼখ֥ؿᅚ൪့đ္֤၄࿐ᇏྏ֥ሸކൌ৯Ⴕ Վຓđࢌੀ߶௹ࡗđݢٚࡁџߎ࣍एҕܴॉҳਔ
ྛਔധೆฐษđؓईϷݓ࠽߶ၰaധ߄Ӂြކቔaषᅚ၄ഽ ིิശb ၄࿐ᇏྏ֥ᇗׄཛଢࡹഡ౦ঃb௲ᆓྦؓ၄࿐ᇏྏܿ߃
ྩ֩ࣉྛਔᄽൌࢌੀbචٚഅקđࡼࣉ၂҄ປ۽ቔࠏᇅđ ೂݔൈܻ֚ਆ୍đජ္҂߶མ֞၂ӆᇏರݢݓ֥ ҃अބࡹഡ؇іൕᄡആğoචٚᄝളࡲू൙ြؿᅚ
ࡹ৫Ӊ௹ކቔࠏᇅđѩࣼՎղӮކቔСອb ള҆Ӊ߶ၰđ߶၄࿐ᇏྏაݢݓᅳ֞ೂՎ؟֥ކቔࢌੀ ٚ૫Ⴕሢਅݺ֥ކቔࠎԤބ܋჻ࣟđ௹րໃটᄝӁြ
طᄝ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏ֥༯đট࠶֥ ̿́ ࡅݢݓ ఔކׄb ؿᅚaದҌࢌੀބܴܻ၄ਏ֩ٚ૫ࣉྛ۷ܼٗބധೆ֥
၄࿐ۚa॓ࠏܒބཌྷܱఒြაϤჅࡅᇏٚ၄ਏࠏܒࠣఒ ᄪᄝ ̿̽̾̈́ ୍ ̾̾ ᄅđֻࢽᇏರݢݓള҆Ӊ߶ၰؿі ކቔbp
ြᅚष၂ؓ၂టซđ๙ݖࢌੀྛြቋྍؿᅚ౦ঃđᄝ၄ਏڛ ਔo࠶ଲ࿆pđᥒ߂ਔᇏರݢݓᄝള၄ਏਵთކቔሹ ૌ௹րሢđᄝ၂༢ਙݓ࠽ഹ߶֥ႄਵ༯đᆞᗌఏ
ༀa၄࿐࢝ტaದჴaള၄ူӁြ֩ٚ૫ղӮކቔၩ ۔ਵĠ̿̽̾ͅ ୍ ͆ ᄅđ൮ࢽᇏݢЌࡲ၄ਏކቔࢌੀ߶ഈđӑݖ Ӯڂ֥࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏؿߨݺቔႨđઋൌݺ
ཟ ̓̽ Ⴥཛbo߶ၰղӮਔ၂༢ਙކቔၩཟđടࠣ၄ჽaն࿐a ͂̽ ۱ᇏݢ၄ਏࠏܒࠣ၄ਏఒြࣉྛਔؓ१టซđ՜Ӯਔ ̾̀ ཛ ކቔӮݔđࣉݺదჿཛଢđୠऊݺ۲ٚ৯ਈđࡆնڛ
॓ࠏܒđၛࠣЌࡲa߄ሎaള၄ူa၄ਏఖྀఒြ ࢌੀކቔ൙ཛĠ̿̽̾͆ ୍ ̀ ᄅđႋݢݓЌࡲڞ᧻֥҆ဤ౨đ၄ ༀЌᅰ৯؇đᇹ৯࠶ଲݓ࠽ूအӬࡹഡb
֩ਵთb၄࿐ᇏྏࡼၛՎູఔࠏđิ܂۷Ⴊ֥ؿᅚđյ ࿐ᇏྏܵ߶սіګݢݓࣉྛ۽ቔࢌੀބࢺؓࢤđࣉ၂
ᄯਅݺ֥ႏഅߌđູ۷؟ᇏݢކቔཛଢđູ۷؟Ⴊᇉఒြa ҄ࡆധਔචٚӻ࿃ࡆ఼ކቔࢌੀ֥थྏაྐྏll
n the era of economic globalization, international
Both sides have signed a memorandum on China-South Korea cooperation to set up a long-term co-operation system. exchanges and innovation in the field of health care are
Iembracing increasingly close ties. Being an internationally
famous city for medical and health care, Jinan Medical
Center (JMC) has been established according to international
standards by reference to Texas Medical Center (TMC).
JMC has attracted high-end projects and hosted international
branded conferences based on collective intellectual support
and rock-solid platforms, taking significant stride toward
building a medical highland following the directions of
internationalization, high end and specialization.
From October 28 to 30, 2019 China-Korea Health Care
Cooperation Exchange Meeting was convened in Jinan.
It’s the second time JMC organized this conference. The
conference gathered more than 200 medical institutions and
medical enterprises from China and South Korea and nearly
400 participants. The meeting began with the contract signing
of China-Korea oral medical technology training center, and
China-Korea pharmaceutical enterprise industrial cooperation
projects. It also held the conference on bilateral cooperation in
healthcare industry between the governments, carried out one-
on-one business negotiation, investment policy interpretation 〇第二届中韩保健医疗产业合作交流会吸引了 200 多家中韩医疗机构和医疗企业、近 400
and business inspection activities, which effectively promoted 人参会。
The second China-Korea Health Care Cooperation Exchange Meeting attract more than
the cooperation and exchange of healthcare industry between 200 medical institutions and medical enterprises from China and South Korea and nearly
China and South Korea. 400 participants.
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