Page 71 - 10月
P. 71

Special Issue  专刊                                                                         速度  建设加速度

             འ֥бნğڒ߄ఖॖၛुቔ൞၂۱෪ཬϱ֥ັ྘၄࿐ᇏྏđ                           ႵᆽႿԷြ୍֥౞Էြᆀิ܂ቋྍ֥॓࠯׮෿ބቋ֥ۚ࠯
             ໡ૌ֥ଢ֥൞஡ტބൻෂđ༵ಞᇙ؟၄࿐ཛଢ֥oᇕሰpᄝ                           ඌᆷ֝bᇙԷॢࡗࡼڒ߄၂ུۚӮӉྟ֥ᇕሰఒြđෛሢ
             ᆃ৚ؿ࿨đӉ֞ॖၛַპ၂קڄݥđַპ၂קذਜߌ࣢֥ൈީđ                         ڒ߄ఖଽӮඃఒြϬ֞၄࿐ᇏྏުđᆃུࣜݖڒ߄ުӮӉ
             ь٢֞࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏಀሱႮؿᅚb                                  ఏট֥ఒြࡼᄜแԉڒ߄ఖđྙӮڒ߄ఖؿᅚ֥ਅྟ࿖ߌb
                o၂ᄅ၂ཬэđ೘ᄅ၂նэpđՎުૄ၂Ցಀڒ߄ఖđ                             Ⴛೂđڒ߄ఖߎࡼ၇ກ֣ݓ࿩॓࠯ඌླྀ߶֣ࠣѓᯤ࿐၄
             ׻ିۋ൳֞ᆃ৚ѱѱ֥ؿᅚളࠏބ҂๔ཱུ֥భࣉ҄قğ̾ ੌն                         ളࠢ๶܋๝ࡹ৫ࠢ࢝ტa࿹ؿaളӁaᇍਏູ၂ุ֥o࠶ଲ
             ๏ଽ֥ೆሁఒြ ͹ͼʹͼ ఺҂؎ຉᅚĠ̀ ੌ֥࿐ඌࢌੀᇏྏರᆊປ                     ၄࿐ᇏྏᯤ࿐࿹ؿࠎֹpb၇ກݓူ॥ܢࠢ๶ഡ৫ݓူӁြ
             ೿đն߶ၰ൩aۚ؊ჹӱ߶ၰ൩a೬੃౵aᄎ׮ള৘࡟ҩ౵                           ৽஡ტࠎֹ֩֩b
             ᇯࡶࡹఏটĠჰЧ੻Ⴕུॢং֥ੌҪ੤੤࿃࿃ೆሁਔᇙ؟ۚ                              ೂࣂđෛሢڒ߄ఖ၂௹ၘࣜડჴđڒ߄ఖؽ௹ܿ߃ࠧࡼ
             ࣚࡕཛଢĠંฆaࢃቖa஡࿞֩۲ᇕࠃ׮҂ࡗ؎षᅚll                            ޫᆭრԛbo໡ૌၘࣜᄝ࠶ଲ༆ᅟڸ࣍࿊ݺᆶđࡼ۴ऌ၄࿐
                ̾ ୍ު֥ࣂ฿đᆃ৚҂؎ؿᅚሐնđ৙Ѣ෮ඪ֥oᇕሰp                        ᇏྏࡼট֥ؿᅚ౦ঃࣉྛᆌؓྟᅱഅbp
             ႵུᆞᄝሟሐֹӮӉđႵུၘಖӮູoҕ฿նඎpiiࢩᇀ                              ৙Ѣྐྏડડֹඪđໃট֥ڒ߄ఖсࡼູ໡ૌڋഈ၂ӆ
             ଢభđదჿೆሁཛଢၘղ ̾̽͂ ࡅđᇿҨᇏຓ၄ളࠢ๶ ͂̀ ࡅĠ                     oഹတpb໡ૌ௹րሢb
 Precision Medical Incubator: Rocketing to Higher Levels  ৙Ѣཱӫđ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏࣚሙ၄࿐ڒ߄ఖၘಖ
 精准医学孵化器 : 从 小菜  盛宴  ࣂڒ߄ఖᆞᄝ၇ກೆሁఒြđࡹഡᇙ؟ห೤߄௜෻b
 文 / 方鸿  图 / 刘悦琛  ӱ॓࠯ܢٺႵཋ܄ඳิ܂֥ཌྷܱ࠯ඌބඔऌᆦӻđष๙ਔݓ
 ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏࣚሙ၄࿐ڒ߄ఖ໊ႿྍಅӬն༰ ͎  ᇉਈ֥၄ਏࡲूބפࠩ၄ളڛༀđյ௥ਔ၄ਏሧჷᄝֹთa
 ቖđࡹᇽ૫ࠒ ̻̀̿ ຣ௜ٚ૜bڒ߄ఖᇶေႮྍ၂ս၄ਏ࠯ඌa  ݓࢸഈ֥ཋᇅđູܼնݓଽߑᆀཚ൳ݚຓ༵ࣉ֥၄ਏ࠯ඌa
 ֻ೘ٚ၄࿐࡟ҩ൫ဒaࡲू၄ਏնඔऌ࿹ؿႋႨaದ۽ᇆି  ིۚᆐਏࢳथٚσิ܂ਔॖौЌᅰb๝ൈ၇ກᄉӱ॓࠯࠯            〇孵化器内汇聚众多高精尖项目。
                                                                  There is a gathering of high-grade, precision and advanced projects in the
 ა၄ਏఖྀ࿹ؿaჹӱݓ࠽၄ਏڛༀaದো၌Ԯሧჷ܋ཚڛ  ඌ๶ؒđᆞᄝᄐ୓ԔС֥၄ਏࡲूնඔऌᇙԷॢࡗ္ࡼູ            incubator.
 ༀ֩ ̓ նۿିϰॶቆӮ ̹ ൞࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏܵ຾߶ູյ
 ᄯݓ࠽၂ੀ၄࿐ᇏྏ ̹ ӵࢤݓ࠽ۚ؊၄࿐॓࿹Ӯݔሇ߄aۚ؊
 ԷြದҌऊ֥ࠢᇗေሂ൭bೆڒఒြ๙ݖ ̺̿̀ ୍֥ڒ߄đژ
 ࡼοᅶӁြোљ҂๝đࣉሁཌྷܱჳ౵b  ocated in the core area and adjacent to Shandong Provincial Hospital, the project has a floor area of about 32,000 square meters. Guided by
 ̿̽̾ͅ ୍ ̾̿ ᄅđгᆀֻ၂Ցሼࣉ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏࣚ  the government and oriented to the need of market, it is a professional incubator of precision medicine industry integrating the functions
 ሙ၄࿐ڒ߄ఖđдൈ֥෱ېېఓ׮҂ࣲđಏၘࣜ൞ཛଢᄉࠢđ  Lof an incubator and an accelerator, consisting of six functional segments, namely, new-generation medical technology, third party medical
             test, health care big data research and application, artificial intelligence and medical apparatus research and development, remote international
 దჿೆሁཛଢ ̓́ ۱đᇿҨሧЧࣁ ̻̈́̾̀ ၡჭb֒ൈ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄  〇济南国际医学科学中心精准医学孵化器总经理李冰说,未来孵化器必将为我们奉上
 一场“盛宴”。     medical service, human genetic resources. At present, the project has been put into operation. Dozens of high-end projects, many talent teams and
 ࿐॓࿐ᇏྏࣚሙ၄࿐ڒ߄ఖሹࣜ৘৙Ѣؓڒ߄ఖቓਔ၂۱ྙ  Li Bing, general manager of Precision Medical Incubator of Jinan Medical Center,
 says that the incubator has a promising future ahead.  doctor groups from home and abroad have settled in the project.

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