Page 52 - 10月
P. 52

Focus       专题

                                                                                                                                       گյଈbਆٚކቔյᄯ֥ᇆ߰྘ᄉ ̸ ඣༀ௜෻đၘӮູଢభ                         ၒđູఒြࢫസ۷؟֥ӮЧބൈࡗĠ࠯ඌڛༀ௜෻၇ກႚႵ
                                                                                                                                       ݓଽਵ༵֥ඣള෿ႋႨࢳथٚσđѩࠆ֤ԅڂa਍Ӭa঳٘a                          ̀̽̽ ؟໊ህᆯ࠯ඌದჴ֥षԷᄉđॖၛᄝఒြӁ௖࿹ؿݖӱᇏ
                                                                                                                                       ੋଲ֩؟ֹඣ০अड़קđᄝಆݓ࿡෎௴ࠣႋႨbط࡫Ⴟᄉ ̸                          მ֞௞࣠ބуৈൈิ܂࠯ඌᆦӻĠԷြ஡࿞௜෻ࢹ৯षԷࠢ
                                                                                                                                       ඣༀ௜෻ᄝඣള෿ࡓ׼଴aყٝ଴aᇍ৘଴֩ၐ଴໙ีࢳथ                           ๶Ӯ৫֥ݓଽ൮۱oᇙԷഠಕpđϺᇹԷြᆀ܋๝ӮӉđᇁ
                                                                                                                                       ٚ૫֥Ⴊၳіགྷđᄉ ̸ ඣༀ௜෻ᄻ༵ު಴ࠆo̿̽̾ͅ ඔѰ߶ਵ                      ৯Ⴟյᄯఊਗ਼Էြᆀቋ఼ၻbߎႵࠎԤڛༀ௜෻aႏཧ๷ܼ
                                                                                                                                       ༵॓࠯Ӯݔཛଢpaᇏݓ॓࿐ჽu޺৳ຩᇛ़vo̿̽̾ͅ ୍؇                        ௜෻aࣁವڛༀ௜෻ބದҌؿᅚ௜෻֩đ௾ն܄܋ڛༀ௜෻
                                                                                                                                       Ӂ௖ࢂp֩಴უb                                             ູԷग़ิ܂ਔ۷ູ٧໥֥Էြ๲ಛb
                                                                                                                                           o໡ૌյᄯ֥൞षԷᄉ ̸ ള෿ۀ୑đሔ౰֥൞܋ཚa܋႓a                         ಖطđषԷᄉള෿௜෻ิ܂֥ႪၳԷြߌ࣢ѩ٤၂সႥ
                                                                                                                                       ܋ളbp৙ᜊࢳ൤đoڒ߄௜෻๙ݖmᄉ ̸ ള෿྘n֥Ӂြ                         ၤđط൞ൡᆀളթb
                                                                                                                                       ᄎႏଆൔđაԩႿ҂๝ࢨ؍֥ᄝڒఒြదרڒ߄ླྀၰđ๙ݖ                               o໡ૌႵ၂ส٤ӈປ೿֥௟ܙ༢๤đૄ࠱؇׻߶ؓೆڒ
                                                                                                                                       ิ܂҂๝ӱ؇֥ሧࣁҀ์ၛࠣህြ֥ڒ߄ڛༀđᄝೆڒᆭԚ                           ఒြࣉྛॉނđЇওఒြ֥ᄎႏඔऌaཧ൲ඔऌaҍༀବඥ֩đ
                                                                                                                                       აఒြჿק௹ಃđၛᆃᇕྙൔაఒြ܋๝ؿᅚđ܋๝յᄯ॓                           ೂݔ҂ିղ֞ڒ߄ѓሙđఒြᄵॖି૫ਢФౢ๼֥າགbp
                                                                                                                                       ࠯Էြڒ߄֥႗ࡱ௜෻aᄹᆴڛༀ֥ೈࡱ௜෻aڄག๧ሧ֥                           ৙ᜊࢺകđႪ഻ਜ฀֥ߌ࣢ॖၛႵིࠗؿೆڒఒြ֥ᆜุࠒ
                                                                                                                                       ሧЧᄎቔ௜෻đ൐षԷᄉള෿௜෻Ӯູڒ߄ྛြଽቋऎԷྍ                           ࠞྟaԷྍྟđՖطิۚڒ߄௜෻֥ሸކࣩᆚ৯b
                                                                                                                                       ٲຶaቋऎ๧ሧ་ႄ৯aቋऎఒြؿᅚॢࡗaቋऎದ໓ࠃ৯                               षԷᄉള෿௜෻ᇹ৯ఒြഈᄉ֥҄قಯᄝࡆ෎bሱᄎႏ
                                                                                                                                       ֥ྍྖӁြࠎֹbp                                            ၛটđၘູඣ০aࢌ๙a࢝ტaЧֹളࠃ֩ඔϤ۱޺৳ຩa
                                                                                                                                                                                            ໾৳ຩཛଢิ܂ਔԚԷڒ߄ڛༀđ৆࠹ཛଢ๧ሧ ̾ ၡჭđሹ
                                                                                                                                           ᄉڛༀӁြࠢऊิ܂ႪᇉӮӉ֥ဝܻބඣჷ                              ཛଢ൧ӆܙᆴ ̾̽ ၡჭb
                                                                                                                                           षԷᄉള෿௜෻ᄝ࠶ଲᄗ༯ਔ၂॒Էြᆀ֥໯๚ඎbᄜ                             ࠧ൐ᄝڒ߄ఖиြުđषԷᄉള෿௜෻္߶ఓ׮ࡆ෎ଆ
                                                                                                                                       Ⴕoݓࡅࠩ࿐߶ᇹ৯ྍࣸ׮ିሇߐࠎֹpo̿̽̾ͅ ᇏݓ ̾̽̽ ࡅ                     ൔđࣉ၂҄۵ሶ۲Էြఒြ֥ؿᅚሑঃđؓऎСమ৯֥ఒြ
                                                                                                                                       ห೤ॢࡗpo࠶ଲ൧ԷြԷྍॢࡗ৳ૐ৘൙ֆ໊po೶תസ                           ࣉྛؽՑ๧ሧđϺᇹ෰ૌ࣐ॹӮӉሐնఏটb
          CTRL ecological service platform boosts the development of potential enterprises.                                            ॓࠯ఒြڒ߄ఖྛြླྀ߶߶ჴֆ໊p่่֩൹಴ࡆദđڒ߄                               o໡ૌ༐ຬॖၛ๩ݖषԷᄉ ̸ ള෿௜෻֥ձࡹđϜᄉ࠹
                                                                                                                                       ௜෻ႄ֤ᇭ؟Էग़ࣩཌྷ௻༏ႿՎb                                      ෘaնඔऌյᄯӮ༆҆ྍӬ֥၂նਊׄbp֒భđषԷᄉ
                                                                                                                                           ଢభၘႵ ͂̾ ࡅఒြࣜݖᇗᇗೱ࿊ބ࿸֥۬௟ܙӮۿೆڒb                     ള෿௜෻ᆞᄝᅱࠢസଽႪᇉ֥ᄉڛༀഅᄉࠢՎֹđ҂ࣲ֥
          ఃॢࡗႪ൝ބሧჷႪ൝׻൞٤ӈ఼ն֥bpषԷᄉള෿௜෻                           ކቔࠄϴaӬ൧ކࠄದaڒ߄ఒြaषؿᆀđކ৯յᄯປᆜ
                                                                                                                                       ఒြೆሁࠧॖཚ൳೘୍ଽٜሿࡨ૧Ⴊ߲đၛࠣ૧ٮิ܂߶ၰ                           ࡼটđᆃ৚ࡼյᄯ༆҆ቋऎห೤֥޺৳ຩӁြࠎֹaቋऎ
          ᄎႏሹࡓ৙ᜊඪb                                             ֥ᄉ࠹ෘള෿৽đູႨ޼ิ܂ડቀఒြoԚԷ ̺ ؿᅚ ̺ ሐն ̺
                                                                                                                                       ᅺषaӮݔᅚൕaഅༀటซӆֹބࠃ׮ӆ෮đ૧ٮิ܂۽അ                           ࠃ৯֥ഈᄉఒြࠢऊᇏྏđඎ৫ఏ߆ၸ౵޺৳ຩ॓࠯ڒ߄
              षԷᄉള෿௜෻໊Ⴟ࠶ଲ൧༆ग़ᅟோ౵đሹ࠹ ̓̽̽̽ ؟௜                     Ӯඃ ̺ ऍ๨p͂ ۱ࢨ؍֥ಆྛြಆളଁᇛ௹၂ᅟൔᄉႋႨڛༀ
                                                                                                                                       ᇿҨa॓࠯ሦ࿘aمੰሦ࿘aದҌᅱௗ֩ࠎԤڛༀ֥૧ٮᆟҦb                         ࠎֹ֥ѓۆđቓӮ߆ၸ౵ࣜ࠶ؿᅚሇ྘֥၂ᅦྍ଀ோđᇹ
          ૜bڒ߄ఖႵሢૼཁ֥౵໊Ⴊ൝ğת҆Ⴕസ߶նखჽa๭඀                           ބࢳथٚσb
                                                                                                                                           ԢՎᆭຓđڒ߄௜෻ิ܂֥ಆ໊ٚᄹᆴڛༀ္ࠞऎ་ႄ                         ๷࠶ଲo޺৳ຩ ̸pཟoᄉ ̸pൈսજࣉb               (本文图片由开
          ܶ֩໓߄ၜඌഡീđܒӮਅݺ֥ದ໓ߌ࣢Ġ༆ਣ࠶ଲۚํ༆ᅟđ                             ቔູڒ߄௜෻ॹ෎ؿᅚ֥ނྏ౺׮ఖđ஁೶޷ଆൔ၂ೂ
                                                                                                                                       ৯bڒ߄௜෻֥ᆟҦڛༀ௜෻ॖၛϺᇹఒြປӮ۲ཛണБ൙                           创云生态平台提供)
          ؓࢤࣘࣃ޻aഈܼധđࢌ๙ь০Ġଲਣ߆ၸ౵ದ૶ᆟکᆟༀ                           ః଀đೆڒఒြᄝڒ߄௜෻֥ӮӉ݅ࠖđა஁೶޷֥ളӉ݅
          ᇏྏđᆟҦሧჷь০ĠК҆Мौ߆ၸ۽ြჳ౵aࠧࡼष۽֥                           ࠖ൅ٳཌྷරbڒ߄௜෻ҐႨoᇕሰ๶ؒ ̸ အٳ๶ؒpӉԛᇶ
          ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐ᇏྏ֩đᇛшྍ࠯ඌห೤Ӂြۚ෎ؿᅚđളࠃa                          ۄ֥oѬᇕpषؿଆൔđᄝषԷᄉᆃோ໥๲ഈoѬᇕpᆭުđ
          അြሧჷ஥สఊಆb                                            ೆڒఒြࠦ౼ਔটሱ܋ളቆᆮ֥အٳđ۲ᇕࢳथٚσࣼ߶ခ
                                                                                                                                               s the shift from high-speed economic growth to high-quality development is ongoing, providing cloud services to enterprises is an
                                                                                                                                               important channel to improve the efficiency of resource allocation, reduce the cost of informatization, promote the development
              o஁೶޷ଆൔpյᄯ॓࠯྘ڒ߄Ӂြള෿৽                              ॹ෎ڭۂa޺ཌྷ৽ࢤ֥ള෿ຩ઎b
                                                                                                                                       Aof sharing economy and strengthen new growth impetus, in line with the national strategy of upgrading mass entrepreneurship and
              ఃൌđᄪᄝ ̿̽̾̽ ୍đoέ৚ᄉpoϤ؇ᄉp֩۲ᇕᄉ௜                         ၛ೶ת߰ׄᇆି࠯ඌႵཋ܄ඳູ২đ߰ׄაषԷᄉކቔ
                                                                                                                                       innovation. An increasing number of enterprises are keen to leverage the potential of cloud tools.
          ෻ߎໃᅝऌ໡ૌ֥ളࠃൈđषԷࠢ๶ࣼၘࣜࠎႿؓ޺৳ຩྛ                           ࿹ؿૼྒཛଢiiᄉ̸ඣༀ௜෻đ࿹ؿଽಸڭۂ୪ြඣࡎڿ۪a
                                                                                                                                           In the western new region of Jinan, GTRL Eco-platform for Could - the first business incubator dedicated to providing cloud solutions for
          ြؿᅚ౴൝֥ૹೌ׳ҳđิԛਔoᄉp֥ۀ୑đቆࡹਔၛoᄉ                          ފ֡ܵ৘aٝ࿝ॆޠ֩ඣള෿༢๤bݖӱᇏđ߰ׄஊԛႮ؟                                              enterprises, is striving to create a incubation highland for the cloud service industry that radiates all over Jinan city and outwardstoward Shandong
          ࠹ෘpູނྏ࠯ඌ֥षԷᄉ๶ؒb                                      ದቆӮ֥oအٳp๶ؒđࣉྛ൧ӆൌֹሼ٠ט࿹đϜྛြ๥                                              province. In the near future, a Internet industry base with the most impressive distinction and also the most energetic cloud business gathering center
              ᄝ֒༯ᄉ࠹ෘᇯ҄Ӯඃđoఒြഈᄉpն൝෮౴֥ൈս                         ׄ଴ׄაӁ௖ۿିࣉྛбؓđҰ੐ҀಌĠطषԷᄉᄵቔູoᇕ                                             will be established. As a benchmark of Internet technology incubator base, it will be a new name card for economic development and transformation
          Мࣟ༯đषԷᄉၛሱദ௜෻ູᆦӪđԷࡹ஁೶޷ଆൔđ৳ކ                           ሰp๶ؒđ۴ऌ߰ׄ๶ؒ෮ิԛ֥ᆜڿၩ࡮đؓӁ௖ࣉྛّ                                              of Huaiyin district, helping Jinan made extraordinary strides towards the “Cloud+” era.

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