Page 35 - My FlipBook
P. 35

图/山东省文化馆提供 图/满琦

国家级非遗项目济南皮影戏 省级非遗项目鲁绣 省级非遗项目泥塑兔子王

中国皮影艺术源远流长,曾被西方人 鲁绣是文献中记载最早的绣种,以博 中秋节摆上兔子王以及水果点心作为
非物质文化遗产。 采“苏、粤、蜀、湘”四大名绣之长,其 对月神的敬拜,是济南人中秋拜月的主要

中济南鲁绣的手绣发丝绣堪称鲁绣之精华。 内容。


图/王平 图/陆晓林

市级非遗项目济南八卦太极拳 市级非遗项目济南石担、石锁 市级非遗项目葫芦雕刻

八 卦 太 极 拳 始 创 于 清 末, 是 河 北 省 济南石担、石锁是中国民族传统的体 济南葫芦雕刻技艺包括镂雕、刻线、

深 县 程 家 村 人 程 有 龙 所 创, 后 传 于 郭 铸 育锻炼项目,演练技艺历史悠久。主要涉 刻面、组合、浮雕等多种,其中以镂雕最

山, 并 由 郭 铸 山 完 善 定 型 为 128 式。 及武术、中国式摔跤等练习基本功之用。 有艺术特色。

Culture is the hallmark of the unique temperament and the most precious possession of a city.
Jinan, which can trace its history back more than 2600 years and its history of civilization back almost
9000 years, is universally acknowledged as a national historic and cultural city. Speaking of a place that has
the richest historical and cultural reserves, Mingfucheng (the prefectural city of Ming) must be the first to come up with.
With a large number of completely intact historical relics and households who have lived for generations, it is a well-
preserved old downtown area that fully demonstrates the continuity of inheritance of Jinan City.

Mingfucheng, as the solo old downtown area that is not yet commercialized in China’s first-tier cities, has continued
to hold tight intangible heritage projects and traditional crafts projects as its main tasks and the protection and promotion
of traditional Chinese culture for the public good as its dominant construction principle. The first phase of the renovation
project of Baihuazhou (flower-shrouded island), a pilot scheme of Mingfucheng, has become the frontier for the
inheritance and promotion of intangible culture in the city and even in the province, which has gained a wider audience
as it offers an immersive experience rich in cultural heritage.


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