Page 18 - 10月
P. 18

Special Issue          专刊                                                                                                                                                                                 高度  谋划高起点

              ၄ਏूအֹۚᗌఏ                                             ൮༵࠶ଲႚႵپڶ֥॓࢝ሧჷᆦӪb೶תն࿐čఊਗ਼၄
              ࠶ଲ൞၂ቖള෿ၒंᆭӬđଲၗ෼೶aКॴߛފ ̹ ฿ಖྙ                      ࿐҆Ďa೶תᇏ၄ူն࿐a࠶ଲն࿐č၄࿐აളଁ॓࿐࿐ჽĎ
          ഻đሱܞ൞၄ਏအള഼ֹb֥֔൅ࣴնБۡᇏิԛoൌീࡲ                           ֩ ̾͂ ෮۲ऎห೤֥ჽ཮đᄝ཮၄࿐ࠣཌྷܱህြ࿐ള࣍ ͅ ຣದb
          ूᇏݓᅞ੻pđᇏ܋࠶ଲ൧຾a൧ᆟکۚ؇ᇗ൪đิԛն৯                           ࣜ࢝ტ҆஻ሙđႮ෼೶၄࿐ჽა೶תസ၄࿐॓࿐ჽa೶תസ
          ؿᅚ၄အࡲूӁြđѩႿࣂ୍ ̈́ ᄅ ̿͆ ರ๷ԛu࠶ଲݓ࠽၄ਏ                      ৫၄ჽᆜކӮ৫֥೶תֻ၂၄॓ն࿐ਊཌྷ࠶ଲđᆃಞ࠶ଲ֥
          ूအ଀Ӭؿᅚܿ߃vb                                           ၄࿐॓࢝ሧჷ۷ࡆپڶb
              Ֆܞ঺֥ᇏ၄Ԯӵ֞ೂࣂᇏ༆၄֥ྖഹđ࠶ଲ໭ંᄝ၄                             ҂ࣇೂՎđ࠶ଲߎႚႵ၂஻ۚඣ௜֥॓࿹ჽ෮đೂ೶ת
          ਏሧჷa॓࿹ି৯ࠣؿᅚ൝๨֩ٚ૫đ׻Ⴕቀܔָ֥గౣఏ                           സ၄॓ჽaസᇏ၄ူ࿹࣮ჽaസ၄࿐႕ཞ࿹࣮෮֩ĠႚႵݓ                                              〇山东中医药大学是国家“特色重点学科项目”建设高校。
                                                                                                                                       Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is listed in the national programme
          ݓ࠽၄ਏूအ଀Ӭ֥նఋb                                         ࡅࠩᇗׄ࿐॓ބਢԵᇗׄ࿐॓ ́͂ ۱ĠߎႚႵ၂஻ۚඣ௜֥                                            for preeminent featured disciplines construction.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 〇山东大学齐鲁医学院可追溯至 1864 年创办于山东登州的文会馆。
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Shandong University's Cheeloo College of Medicine grew out of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the Tengchow College founded in 1864.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 〇百年中药老字号“宏济堂”闻名全国。图 / 郑曙光
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hongjitang, the century-old brand of TCM is well-known
                                                                                                                                                                                                 throughout the country.

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