Page 47 - 10月
P. 47
Special Issue 专刊 速度 建设加速度
̾̽ͅ ۱ඔऌࠢđյᄯਔಆݓቋն֥ࡲू၄ਏඔऌሧჷӽb ᄓӁڹaႉႼظᇗׄದಕࣉྛᇗׄࡲूࡓb
ᆃུඔऌ֥൬ࠢaडaᇍđॖၛoؓᆡpܵ၄ਏ ଦሢ۲ᇕ߄ဒֆaҰֆХѯᄝ۲ն၄ჽ֥ᆐ൩൞ಀ၄
ሧჷ֥ٳbбೂđଧུ၄ჽࢤᆐ֥Ѩದቋ؟đႵଧུбࢠ ჽुѨ֥ӈđหљ൞ᅘሇ۲ֹ҂၄ჽुѨ֥ߑᆀđૄՑ
ۚؿ֥Ѩᆡđଧུူ܂҂ႋđ๙ݖնඔऌٳ၄ਏሧჷđ ေེջިި֥Ѩ২ֆऌbնඔऌ֥๙৳ປಆյਔᆃ
ॖၛൌགྷ၄ਏሧჷa၄ਏڛༀ܄აनޙb္ॖၛᆌؓᇗׄ ᇕ࣬bࢋோࡼᇯ҄ԛൎđoᄉࢋோpၘࣜӮູགྷൌb
ѨᆡaᇗׄთࣉྛႵིoᇍਏpđбೂᆌؓۚ࿓aบ୕Ѩa ۲ᇕҰඔऌđ၄ള္ॖၛ๙ݖඔऌ࣐ᄝᅧb
〇大数据的发展为健康医疗行业插上了翅膀。图 / 刘悦琛
Progresses seen in big data help gear the development of the medical industry.
〇国家健康医疗大数据北方中心吸引了许多国家级健康医疗业务平台入驻。图 / 刘悦琛
National Health Medical Data North Center has seen an influx of national-level medical health care platforms.
ࠎႿնඔऌđ๙ݖ൭ࠏ ͎͝͝aᇆିሰࡲूӁa ყ࠹֞ ̿̽̿̾ ୍đݓࡅࡲू၄ਏնඔऌКٚᇏྏթԥᇏྏ
ࡲू၄ਏ၍ႋႨഡСđݓࡅࡲू၄ਏնඔऌКٚᇏྏߎି ބඔԷӁြჳࡼԚ҄ࡹӮđ၄Ⴈնඔऌದ۽ᇆିao৳ຩ ̸
Ґࠢದุ֥ളଁุᆘၛࠣᄎྐ༏đࣉྛקᇅࡲूܵa۱ ၄ਏࡲूpaࣚሙ၄ਏaള၄ူaൊႏအ۽ြaնඔऌ
ྟ߄֥ᄎЌࡲ֩၄ਏࡲूڛༀđಞࡅ๖၄ളaჹӱ၄ਏa ࢌၞ္֩ࡼ႒টயѱؿᅚbࢹᇹݓࡅࡲू၄ਏնඔऌКٚᇏ
৳ຩ၄ჽ֩ྍྖࡲू၄ਏٚൔࣉೆӈϤྠࡅđջЌࡲa ྏᆃ۱đໃটࡲू၄ਏଆൔ֥э߄ӑԛམའb
အaूگ֩၄ਏࡲूӁြؿᅚሐնb ಞૌ൚ଢၛրb
ational Health Medical Data North Center, a major project of replacing old growth drivers with new ones and a key component of Jinan
Medical Center (JMC), has taken shape since construction began last year. With the completion of the big data center, personalized health
Nmanagement, advanced disease prediction and customized medical treatment are no longer unattainable goals, but inevitable trends in the
development of medical services.
Health and medical big data is a complex systematic engineering which is based on high technology and requires the cooperation between
different parties. As a matter of fact, progress has quietly been made in gathering healthcare big data since the pilot project of National Health
Medical Data North Center was launched. Jinan city took the lead in setting up the healthcare big data center, which will take effect in the future to
collect the healthcare data of some 600 million people in northern China. Keeping a full range of health and medical data throughout the circle of
life, it is dedicated to establishing a healthy ecosystem, offering support for the progress of healthcare, research and development of medicine, life
science and other related technologies.
We look forward to continued growth that will unlock the future of big data application.
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