Page 65 - 10月
P. 65

Special Issue  专刊                                                                         速度  建设加速度

 Developing Treatment for Eye Diseases with Strengths from Three Sides

 三强联手启动 光明行动

 文 / 蓝诗雪

 8 月 27 日,该项目作为济南国际医学科学中心第二批重点项目之一,在建设工程现场破土动工。据悉,项目占地 29 亩,总
 投资 4 亿元,建筑面积约 4.95 万平方米。

 Ϝൈࡗ֥ᆷᆌѭ߭֞ࣂ୍ ̀ ᄅđՎൈ֥࠶ଲնֹԽ୰޽षa  ͅ ᄅ ̿̈́ ರđ೶תീغૼݓ࠽င॓აင൪ܻਢԵᇏྏᆞൔ
 ຣ໾گ්đ႒টਔૅݓ෾௜လն࿐཮Ӊঞථৄ·ݷঞक़Ѱൖ  ष۽ࡹഡb
 ၂ྛb෰ૌࣜݖࠫ฿֥ൌֹॉҳࢌੀđु֞ਔ࠶ଲᆃቖӬ൧  oᆃ൞၂۱၄࢝࿹ླྀ๝ؿᅚ֥ۚ؊၄ਏࠏܒđ໡ૌေӮ
 ֥ؿᅚܿଆაؿᅚ෎؇đु֞ਔ࠶ଲࡹഡݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ֹۚa  ৫၂۱ݓ࠽င൪ܻ၄ჽđູܼնငࠥߑᆀิ܂ݓ࠽၂ੀඣሙ
 յᄯݓ࠽ूအ଀Ӭ֥ࡔקथྏაࡔၪྛ׮đቓԛധႵჹ࡮֥  ֥ࣷᇹđࢳथϤྠुѨ଴b๝ൈđႮസa൧ބ೶תᇏ၄ူն
 ૼᇆᆭ࿊iiࡼᇏૅင॓ა൪ܻ၄࿐ჽઋ޼࠶ଲb  ࿐܋ࡹӮ৫ᇏૅݓ࠽င॓ა൪ܻ၄࿐ჽđ஡အऎႵݓ࠽ඣሙ  〇三强联合打造眼科医疗高地。图 / 刘悦琛
             All three parties have devoted collaborative efforts to building a highland of
 ̀ ᄅ ̿̓ ರđ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏܵ຾߶a೶תᇏ၄ူ  ֥ۚ؊င॓൪ܻದҌbՎຓđ໡ૌߎ߶Ӯ৫၂۱॓࠯Էྍᇏྏđ  treatment for eye diseases.
 ն࿐aૅݓ෾௜လն࿐ࣼ೘ٚ܋ࡹo೶תᇏ၄ူն࿐ᇏૅင  Ϝ໡ૌնਈჰԷ֥ᆩ്Ӂಃሇ߄ӮളӁ৯đᇹ৯೶תസྍࣸ
 ॓ა൪ܻ၄࿐ჽpదඇਔᅞ੻ކቔླྀၰđࡼႄࣉބࢹ࡫ૅݓ  ׮ିሇߐbpиޡളೂՎඪ֡b
 င൪ܻ࢝ტ֥Ϸ࿐ࣜဒބଆൔđ஡အऎႵݓ࠽ඣሙ֥ۚ؊၄  ؓႿໃটđиޡളԉડྐྏb෰іൕđ೶תീغૼݓ࠽
 ࿐ದҌđ՜ࣉᇏૅင൪ܻህࡅ֥ݓ࠽ࢌੀb  င॓აင൪ܻਢԵᇏྏࡼ৫ቀ೶תa૫ཟಆݓđοᅶൗࢸ
 ՎՑᅞ੻ކቔླྀၰ֥దרđࡼषԷငࡲूਵთ఼఼৳൭a  ငܻބԷྍؿᅚනਫ਼đ๷֚၄ჽ֥ຶ఺a๷يۚ཮֥ຶ఺a
 ކቔ܋႓֥ྍअ૫b  ๷֚۲ྛြֆ໊֥ຶ఺đॴᄀ॓࿐࿹࣮֥ቋު၂܄৚đၛ
 ऌਔࢳđૅݓ෾௜လն࿐ႚႵ ̾̓̽ ؟୍৥ൎđᄝင൪ܻ࿐  ڛༀದ૶ಕᇙಆളଁᇛ௹ငࡲूູႄਵđؿߨ၄࢝࿹ջ׮
 ਵთႚႵޓ఼֥ൌ৯đ൞ૅݓ༆Кն࿐຾ჴ߶č͛ͤ͐͐͢Ďބ  აൕٓቔႨđູ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏ֝ೆᇗေ֥ݓ࠽߄a      〇山东施尔明眼科与眼视光临床中心投入运营后,将极大满足人们对优质眼科医疗
 ૅݓဒܻླྀ߶ဒܻ࢝ტಪᆣ຾ჴ߶č͎͐͒͜Ď֥ᆞൔӮჴb೶  ۚ؊߄aห೤߄ေ෍đᇹ৯၄ਏࡲूӁြྍ׮ିሇߐؿᅚĠ      After  coming  into  operation,  Shandong  Shierming  Clinical  Center  of
                                                               Ophthalmology and Optometry will greatly satisfy people's demand for high-
 תᇏ၄ူն࿐֥င॓ა൪ܻህြᄝದҌ஡အaਢԵ၄ਏބ॓  ᇹ৯ิശင॓აင൪ܻᄝಆݓ֥ህြֹ໊ބᆐਏඣ௜Ġᇹ         quality ophthalmic medical resources.
 ࿐࿹࣮۲ٚ૫ᄝݓଽंႿਵֹ໊༵đ๙ݖषᅚކቔϷ࿐đࢹ  ৯ձࡹݓଽ၂ੀ֥င॓აင൪ܻԷྍ࿹ؿ௜෻Ġᇹ৯஡အ
 ࡫ބႄࣉ෾௜လն࿐ᄝ၄࢝࿹ؿٚ૫֥༵ࣉࣜဒބႪᇉሧჷđ  აݓ࠽ࢤ֥݅င॓ა൪ܻ࿐ۚ؊ದҌĠᇹ৯ઋൌظ๠ౝഒ  F ollowing the positioning of building an internationalized, high-end and specialized medical highland, Jinan Medical Center (JMC) has sped
 ᇹ৯င൪ܻ࿐֥࿐॓ؿᅚb  ୍࣍൪ٝ॥ݓࡅᅞ੻Ġᇹ৯ิശ೶תസင॓၄ਏ܄ၭՋ೿  up the process of gathering top-quality domestic and international medical resources in Jinan.
                      As a major project in JMC, Shandong Shierming International Clinical Center of Ophthalmology and Optometry is a Chinese and
 ਸ਼ຓđᆴ֤၂ิ֥൞đᆃ۱ཛଢ֥ਵ༻ᆀиޡള༵ള္  ڛༀඣ௜đູ๷ࣉ၄ਏ໏ളሸކڿ۪aԷྍ၄ਏڛༀܵ৘
             foreign-invested institution that specializes in medical education, research and patient care. The center, with the aid of the Affiliated Eye Hospital
 ൞၂໊o၄࿐նऴpđ༢೶תᇏ၄ူն࿐ڸඋ၄ჽa೶תീ  ଆൔࠒ৆ࣜဒb
             of Shandong University of TCM, insists on promoting international cooperation with the University of the Pacific. It will develop into a clinical
 غૼݓ࠽င॓၄ჽჽӉđ൮༜၄ਏህࡅđՖ൙င॓ਢԵa࢝  ཌྷྐđ֞ ̿̽̿̾ ୍đ೶תീغૼင॓აင൪ܻਢԵᇏྏ๧  center of ophthalmology and optometry that boasts advanced international technologies, characteristic specialties and an integrated development of
 ࿐ࠣ॓࿹۽ቔ࣍ ́̽ ୍đ಴ࠆᇏ޿င॓ࢭԛӮࣼህࡅ൹಴b  ೆᄎႏުđࡼႵ৯ֹ๷׮င॓აင൪ܻ၄࢝࿹ླྀ๝߄ؿᅚđ  industrialization of medical research.
 ᄝ఼఼৳൭ᆭ༯đ೶תീغૼݓ࠽င॓აင൪ܻਢԵᇏ  ູ࠶ଲମᇀ೶תิ܂భခ֥aष٢ކቔ֥င॓აင൪ܻ၄ਏ  On August 27, the project started construction as one of the second batch of key projects of JMC. The center covers an area of 19,333 square
 ྏ֥ޡ຿ড๭Ⴟ ̓ ۱ᄅުࡶࡶэӮૅݺགྷൌb  ௜෻đડቀದૌؓႪᇉင॓၄ਏሧჷ֥ླ౰b  meters (29 mu) and a construction area of 495,000 square meters, with a total investment of 400 million CNY.

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