Page 90 - 10月
P. 90

Special Issue          专刊                                                                                                                                                                                 温度  服务暖人心

                                                                                       Zhang Ji is giving a briefing of JMC to
                                                                                       attendees from South Korean.

          ਆݓᄝતѨٝ॥aۚ؊၄ਏaڹႼЌࡲ֩ਵთ֥ധೆކቔ׍                               ऌ༑đᄝ٠ݢ௹ࡗđචٚഅקֻؽࢽᇏݢЌࡲ၄ਏކቔ
          קਔਅݺࠎԤbՎՑࢌੀ߶္ູݢݓބ೶תസa࠶ଲ൧ധೆ                           ࢌੀ߶ࣂ୍ࡼ࠿࿃ᄝ࠶ଲईϷbࢽൈđݢݓЌࡲڞ᧻҆aЌ
          ࿹࣮aฐษaࢌੀ၄ਏ໏ള൙ြؿᅚކቔิ܂ਅݺ֥ࠏ߶ބ                           ࡲӁြᆒྖჽࠣ ̿̓ ࡅ॓࿹ࠏܒaն࿐ބ၄ਏఖྀࠣള໾ᇅူ
          ௜෻đؓႿࣉ၂҄՜ࣉචٚᄝ၄ਏЌࡲ৘୑a࠯ඌaᇅ؇ഡ                           ఒြࡼҕ߶bଢభචٚղӮ܋്đࡼᄝۚ؊၄ਏaᇖਿٝᇍa
          ࠹֩۲۱Ҫ૫֥ٳཚބࢌੀఏ֞ࠒࠞ՜ࣉቔႨb                                ۄ༥Іᇍਏaࡲू၄ਏնඔऌa၄ਏఖྀ֩ٚ૫षᅚധೆކቔb
              ֻؽ୍đᇏݢචٚކቔႻ႒টਔྍ֥๬௥ྟࣉᅚb̿̽̾ͅ                       ݓࡅ໏ࡲ຾ܿ߃ඳڬඳӉਾ໓༵ؓՎ۳Ⴭն৯ᆦӻđіൕಆ
          ୍ ͆ ᄅ ̀ ರᇀ ͂ ರđ൮ՑႮ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏӵϷ֥ᇏ                     ৯ᆦӻ࠶ଲݓ࠽၄࿐॓࿐ᇏྏӵϷݺՎՑ߶ၰb
          ݢЌࡲ၄ਏކቔࢌੀ߶ᄝ࠶ଲ༟ট֨ईϷđӑݖ ̾̽̽ ࡅᇏݢ                            ෌߅ඪđඣေੀ׮đದौሼ׮b؟܎๙Ҍ߶ᆇਔࢳđӈ
          ၄ਏࠏܒބ၄ਏఒြaჇ ̀̽̽ ದҕ߶b                                 ࢌੀ۷ିႵࠏ߶b؟Ցࢌੀaటซaކቔđಞਗ਼ݢචٚनӇ
              ᄝᆃՑ߶ၰഈđචٚ࿼࿃ᇏರݢ೘ݓ໏ള҆Ӊ߶֥܋്đ                        ֞ਔใ๨bؓႿ၄࿐ᇏྏটඪđݢݓ֥Ԯ๤Ⴊ൝၄ਏህ॓ೂ
          ܋๝๷׮ᇏರݢᇖਿٝ॥࿹࣮ᇏྏࡹഡbაՎ๝ൈđච֥ٚ                           ၄ૅᆜྙa࿩॓aڹႼЌࡲ֩ۚ؇ఔކໃট၄࿐ᇏྏ֥ ͅ ն
          ၄ਏࠏܒa၄ਏఒြ္ᅚषധೆࢌੀđటซӮݔ௣پđႵ ͂̽                         ህ॓ĠطؓႿݢݓఒြটඪđ၄࿐ᇏྏิ܂֥Ⴊᇉކቔॢࡗa
          Ⴥࡅᇏݢ၄ਏࠏܒࠣ၄ਏఒြᄝؓ१టซᇏղӮ؟۱ކቔၩ                           Ⴊਅؿᅚߌ࣢aૼಒ֥Ӂြק໊aܼখ֥ؿᅚభࣟᆞ൞෰ૌ
          ཟđႵ৯ֹ๷׮ਔݢݓۚ؊၄ਏઋֹ၄࿐ᇏྏ֥҄قb၄࿐                           ֥ؿᅚ෮ླb
          ᇏྏߎၛᇏ၄ူԮ๤໓߄ָᄏູ֝ཟđ࿙౰ਆݓᇏ၄ူਵთ                               ޺߲޺০֥ૅݺభࣟࣼᄝငభđ჻࠶ଲაݢݓචٚ๝ྏ
          ֥Էྍކቔb                                               ऊ৯đ܋ࡹ၄ਏूအ଀Ӭđ܋๷၄࿐ؿᅚđ܋௶ૅݺໃটb

              inan Medical Center (JMC) has the insight that cooperation and coordination are critical to create a win-win situation in an era of sharing
              resources and leveraging complementary advantages. In the past two years, following the direction of internationalization, highend and
          Jspecialization, JMC, by virture of a favorable geographical location and tremendous resource advantages, has launched extensive and in-
          depth cooperation with South Korea in terms of health and medical personnel training and technical exchange of plastic surgery and cosmetic work.
          Tripartite Health Ministers’ Meeting of China, Japan and Korea, China-Korea Health Care Cooperation Exchange Meeting, and visits to South
          Korea on invitation, negotiation and exchange meetings and forums have been carried out to promote the sharing of ideas, technologies and system
          design on all levels of health care. These collaborative and cooperative efforts between JMC and South Korea ensure a promising future for the
          construction of a famous city of health care with advances in medical technology.

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