Page 23 - My FlipBook
P. 23
业一直很繁华的芙蓉街。图 / 李亮 燕喜堂是济南的老字号。图 / 刘富国
Furong Street that has enjoyed the prosperity of business Yanxitang is a time-honored band in Jinan.

名气最大的还要数原在离芙蓉街仅几步之遥的金菊巷里的“燕 “堂”字,如同济堂、济生堂、宏济堂……在很长一段时
喜堂”饭庄。当时,由于饭菜质量好、服务也周到,“燕喜堂” 间,除燕喜堂、孔膳堂外,“堂”甚至一度成了中药铺的
一时在济南声名鹊起。 代名词。

曾经,泉城路上的老字号也是鳞次栉比。漫步在繁 如今,随着人气剧增,白天和晚间的芙蓉街与泉城路
华的街道上,那些琳琅满目的店名,看着就觉得有精气神 依然人流拥挤,很是热闹,绝不亚于南京的夫子庙、上海的
儿:子琳照相馆、文升园饭庄、同济堂、鸿祥茶庄、大同 城隍庙,还有成都的锦里和宽窄巷子。而老字号虽已不像往
鞋店、心佛斋素菜店、亨得利表店、泰康食品店、蕊香村 日那样繁华,却也分布在这座城市的各个角落里,继续着自
点心铺……不过,说到泉城路上的药铺,其字号都有一个 己的精彩故事。

This place is abundant with sotries.
It has gathered mountains, springs, lakes in a city. With tinkling spring water, every house has weeping willows outside it.
Situated in the arms of lotuses and willows, the scenery that the mountains surround the city is reflected on the surface of the
vast lake, which looks as elegant as you would expect from areas in southern China. Throughout the ages, poets and literary men have
left behind numerous verses and anecdotes.

It has a lingering sense of ancient charm. Here, tiles and bricks, streets and lanes and the landscape are saturated with the vicissitudes
of the history. The city’s history that dates back over 2600 years exudes a stately and elegant atmosphere.

This is Lixia District - so named because it stood at the foot of Mount Li.
It was the site where Shun ploughed, Li Qingzhao versified poetry, Qin Qiong lived out his remaining years and Emperor Kangxi
stayed for several days. With the passing of time, the CBD that has gathered enough momentum, the old downtown areas that exhibits
the long-lasting appeal of history and the recreational area that aggregates groups of springs are still the ideal place to live and work.


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