Page 27 - My FlipBook
P. 27
水夜宴 夺目,成排的大树在照树灯的照耀下,营造出“火树银花”
2018 年新年,济南旅游的最好打开方式非夜游莫属
了。因为济南集中打造的夜游品牌——以“一湖一环”景 大明湖也在如梦似幻的灯光映衬下更加美丽迷人,特别是
观照明工程为主的泉城夜宴“开席”。其中,“夜逍遥”“泛 湖上的桥、湖心的岛,因了这灯光轮廓更显,璀璨夺目,
舟行”两大项目已隆重登场,为市民游客献上美轮美奂、 令人眼前一亮。与之相比,处于景区制高点的超然楼更强
流光溢彩的灯光盛宴。 调仪式感,灯具色温也随建筑层级升高,有登高致远之感。
游客可以按照陆线和水线两种不同 赏 游 途 径 ,在 3 . 2 入夜,乘着画舫,徜徉在诗意的泉水溢彩中,游客
平 方 公 里 的 古 城 舞 台 上 , 欣 赏 到 环 城 公 园 游 览 环 线 、 泉 们轻声低语,无不赞叹一水百景的魅力和炫美夜色。据悉,
城路等重要城市道路,大明湖、趵突泉 等 特 色 城 市 公 园 , “ 泉 城 夜 宴 ” 的 重 头 戏“ 明 湖 秀 ” 也 将 于 不 久 与 市 民 游
以及王府池子、百花洲、芙蓉街等标志性节点的 39 个 客见面。
光景。 相信,随着泉城夜宴的样子越来越清晰,这座走过了
路灯、瓦楞灯、河道灯,把夜晚的护城河打扮得光彩 600 多年风雨沧桑的明府城,必将迎来她的新生。
Jinan is a city saturated with spring water. Springs give beauty to life and add strength to the city and the city is also famed for the
possession of springs.
The first snow fell to brighten the long-lasting appeal of the most beautiful season of Jinan. Appreciating springs and lakes and
strolling through the streets and lanes in Mingfucheng provided a first-hand experience of the true quality of the historical block that is
unparalleled in the world because of the cold springs.
The Baotu Spring shrouded in a fine mist of water gave a glimpse of fairyland; many of the tourists seemed to be infused with
excitement on seeing the water lashing against the pond; painted pleasure boats floated on the city moat, citizens fetched water from
the Baishi Spring, fishes herded in the water, spring water ran through lanes and residential areas, the night shimmered in the glittering
lights - the views that stretched around this region offered a particularly vivid example of vibrant, fascinating city of springs.
Taking the painted pleasure boats, visitors were astonished by the stunning view and the poetic quality of springs, voluntarily
surrendering to the intoxicating night view of the ancient city that dates back more than 600 years.
“泉水夜宴”中如梦似幻的大明湖。图 / 王啸
A stunning view of Daming Lake with the “night banquet of springs”
2018 年新年,济南旅游的最好打开方式非夜游莫属
了。因为济南集中打造的夜游品牌——以“一湖一环”景 大明湖也在如梦似幻的灯光映衬下更加美丽迷人,特别是
观照明工程为主的泉城夜宴“开席”。其中,“夜逍遥”“泛 湖上的桥、湖心的岛,因了这灯光轮廓更显,璀璨夺目,
舟行”两大项目已隆重登场,为市民游客献上美轮美奂、 令人眼前一亮。与之相比,处于景区制高点的超然楼更强
流光溢彩的灯光盛宴。 调仪式感,灯具色温也随建筑层级升高,有登高致远之感。
游客可以按照陆线和水线两种不同 赏 游 途 径 ,在 3 . 2 入夜,乘着画舫,徜徉在诗意的泉水溢彩中,游客
平 方 公 里 的 古 城 舞 台 上 , 欣 赏 到 环 城 公 园 游 览 环 线 、 泉 们轻声低语,无不赞叹一水百景的魅力和炫美夜色。据悉,
城路等重要城市道路,大明湖、趵突泉 等 特 色 城 市 公 园 , “ 泉 城 夜 宴 ” 的 重 头 戏“ 明 湖 秀 ” 也 将 于 不 久 与 市 民 游
以及王府池子、百花洲、芙蓉街等标志性节点的 39 个 客见面。
光景。 相信,随着泉城夜宴的样子越来越清晰,这座走过了
路灯、瓦楞灯、河道灯,把夜晚的护城河打扮得光彩 600 多年风雨沧桑的明府城,必将迎来她的新生。
Jinan is a city saturated with spring water. Springs give beauty to life and add strength to the city and the city is also famed for the
possession of springs.
The first snow fell to brighten the long-lasting appeal of the most beautiful season of Jinan. Appreciating springs and lakes and
strolling through the streets and lanes in Mingfucheng provided a first-hand experience of the true quality of the historical block that is
unparalleled in the world because of the cold springs.
The Baotu Spring shrouded in a fine mist of water gave a glimpse of fairyland; many of the tourists seemed to be infused with
excitement on seeing the water lashing against the pond; painted pleasure boats floated on the city moat, citizens fetched water from
the Baishi Spring, fishes herded in the water, spring water ran through lanes and residential areas, the night shimmered in the glittering
lights - the views that stretched around this region offered a particularly vivid example of vibrant, fascinating city of springs.
Taking the painted pleasure boats, visitors were astonished by the stunning view and the poetic quality of springs, voluntarily
surrendering to the intoxicating night view of the ancient city that dates back more than 600 years.
“泉水夜宴”中如梦似幻的大明湖。图 / 王啸
A stunning view of Daming Lake with the “night banquet of springs”