Page 25 - 10月
P. 25

Focus  专

 oᆜุཛଢٳਆ۱ࡹഡࢨ؍đ༵௹ֻ၂ࢨ؍൞Ⴎᇏࡹ໴  Ⴟః෱܄ࡹোཛଢ۷ູ࿸۬đႨਈࠫެيПđ܂ႋ൅ٳ؋ಌđ  ᆃ۱ཛଢᆴ֤௹րĆ  ༯đषᅚඔऌᇍ৘აඔऌ຋ड۽ቔđຶಡնඔऌࣜႏa޺৳ຩ
 अڵᄳീ۽ࡹഡ ̀ ݼࠏٜੌđھࠏٜੌଢభᆞᄝࣉྛؽՑࢲ  ູਔ൐ࠁୠ๲ࠣൈ܂ႋđཛଢ҆܋ᅱѓਔ ̈́ ࡅ࢒ϳᅟđၛՎ  ໃটđࡹӮު֥ݓࡅࡲू၄ਏնඔऌКٚᇏྏࡼྙӮڭۂ  ̸ ࡲू၄ਏaࡲू၄ਏӁြჳ೘նϰॶषᅚᄎႏb
 ܒീ۽đ୍ָࡼࢌڱဒ൬đႮ۽ၜֆ໊ࣉྛഡСνልđᆃ္  Ќᆣീ۽֥ᆞӈ๷ࣉࠣᇉਈေ౰bp  ᇏݓКֹٚ౵ჿ ̓ ၡದ१Ֆԛള֞঺୍֥ಆളଁᇛ௹֥ࡲू၄  ቔູ࠶ଲ൧ࡆॹࡹഡྍࣸ׮ିሇߐ֥ᇗնӁြཛଢđݓࡅࡲ
 ൞ໃটֻ၂۱๧ೆ൐Ⴈ֥ࠏٜੌĠ̾ ݼ ̿ ݼࠏٜੌࠣ॓࿹ੌႮ  ཛଢീ۽଴؇նđᇛ௹ӉđູਔᄝЌᆣᇉਈ֥భิ༯ఽሂ  ਏඔऌđՖط་ႄ၂஻၄ਏࠏܒބ॓࿹ࠏܒೆሁđູಆ૶ಆള  ू၄ਏնඔऌКٚᇏྏ۴ऌoݓࡅ๤Ԕaസڵሹᄳa൧ሂઋൌp
 ᇏࡹϖअڵᄳࡹഡđଢభ္ၘࣜٿפࣉྛؽՑࢲܒീ۽đࣂ  ۽௹đᆜ۱ཛଢࠫެ൞̿́ཬൈࡆϫࡆׄࡆնീ۽ದඔbऌਔࢳđ  ଁᇛ௹֥၄ਏڛༀิ܂Ⴕ৯࠯ඌᆦӪbᆃ۱ڭۂКٚaݓଽਵ  ֥ࡹഡჰᄵđ໗҄๷ࣉb҂ࣲ֥ࡼটđ࠶ଲ༆҆ࡼᗌఏ၂ቖ၄ਏ
 ୍္ָ߶ղ֞ࢌڱဒ൬่ࡱbpཛଢڵᄳದ໱េྦࢺകb  ࡹഡۚڂ௹đീ۽ದჴࡆఏটۚղਆతჅದbႿ۽ದૌط࿽đ  ༵aൗࢸ၂ੀ֥ࡲू၄ਏնඔऌᇏྏࡼᄝЌᅰඔऌνಆ֥భิ  ඔऌ݁ܡđջ׮ಆ൧ಆസମᇀಆݓ֥၄ਏӁြವކؿᅚb
 ҂๝Ⴟః෱܄ࡹཛଢđᆃ۱ཛଢ֥భ௹ഡ࠹აᆜุࡹഡ  ८අ֥ ̓ ᄅ൞ቋ଴ω֥ൈࡗđطࣂ୍ ̓ ᄅٺႻ൞ീ۽֥ܱ࡯ൈ
 бః෱ࡹᇽ׻๧ೆਔ۷؟֥ࣚ৯b  ௹b฿గۚ໑ൈđཛଢ҆ࡼ۽ದቔြൈࡗטᆜᇀ༯໶ ́ ׄष൓đ
 oՖቋԚ֥ഡ࠹ष൓đնࡅࣼ๧ೆਔնਈ֥ࣚ৯აॉਈđ  ࣐ܵೂՎđ൩ຓ֥ۑࢿႮႿ෾ဝ֥ВೲіҪ໑؇ۚղ ̈́ͅ ؇đ  esigned in the shape of a lotus, North National Center of Health and Medical Big Data is situated to the west of Jiqi Road. The roof-
                    sealing for three equipment buildings and one scientific research building were completed since the construction for No.3 equipment
 Ⴍఃᄝࡹᇽᄯ྘ٚ૫đ༐ຬିࢲކ࠶ଲֹ֥თห೤đбೂހ  ۽ದૌջሢࡆިૣ൭สࣉྛϬᄎb
             Dbuilding started on November 21 last year. The North Center has taken shape in a very short period of one year.
 ޽ࠇ৴யđࣜݖඔၞః۠đቋᇔీקਔᆜุქၩmހ޽n֥  o ః࡛ྌॖམطᆩđ֌࣐ܵ঒଴ᇗᇗđཛଢࡹഡ๷ࣉ၇
                 Centers in eastern, western, southern, northern and central China have been designated five major regions for healthcare big data. The North
 ᄯ྘bp໱េྦඪb  ࣸࣝಖႵ྽bჰ࠹߃Ⴟૼ୍ ̓ ᄅٺࢌڱဒ൬֥ࠏٜੌა॓࿹
             Center has been established in Jinan as the first pilot project for health and medical big data that has passed the national assessment and approval
 oၹູ෱֥ห൹ྟđࡹഡ଴؇္бః෱܄ࡹཛଢࠣ૶Ⴈ  ੌđଢభၘࣜಆ҆ٿפᆞᄝࣉྛؽՑࢲܒീ۽đࡼႿ୍ָࢌ
             for construction. Jinan has been recognized by National Health Commission of the PRC as a pioneer in collection, storage, development and
 ࡹᇽն֤؟đбೂᄝࢲܒീ۽ࠣႨҋᇏđࠏٜ֥ቋնҪۚ൞ ̻̈́͂  ڱဒ൬đ̓ ݼҸႲؿ׈ࠏ္๝҄ࢌڱĠ̀ ݼࠏٜੌࡼႿૼ୍Ԛ  utilization, security, sharing, management, Internet service and operation of health and medical big data. Keeping a full range of health and medical
 ૜đᇶՑਃնطૡđࠫެૄҪླေ ̀́̽ ؕۑࢿđ஥ࢿੱ൅ٳնđ  Ⴎ۽ၜֆ໊ࣉྛഡСቆልđѩੱ༵๧ೆ൐Ⴈbყ࠹ૼ୍ ́ ᄅٺđ  data throughout the circle of life, the North Center is dedicated to establishing a healthy ecosystem, offering support for the progress of healthcare,
 б௴๙۽ြ܄ࡹᄹࡆਔ ̲́̽ĠߎႵࠁୠ๲֥ѓݼაႨਈđࢠ  ࠶ఊਫ਼֩ᇛш֡ਫ਼ࠣཌྷܱ஥ส္߶੤࿃໊֞bp  research and development of medicine, life science and other related technologies.

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