Page 93 - 10月
P. 93
读 城 | 大美历下 | ͖͐ͦ͡
໓߄ձđᇾႳग़҄ ̾̽ ᄅ ̾̈́ ರພ֥oာ၀ളߩḤာᆭ၀pာህӆđޅၜa
ૅൊđ҂ᆸႿЎ१ڴᆭრđМުᄏݣ֥໓߄൞၂ቖӬ൧ aݽಖaઔົჹaࣈ᪒aࡉਗ਼ၜ֩࠶ଲЧႪྮ
֥ೈൌ৯འᆘbՎࢽૅൊᇛđ༯ၛૅൊູૂđာa౷ၜa ာۣ൭ఊऊ၂ถđջটਔuᅦ֥ۣvuνފూvuԽڄv
ဨݏa໓Է֩۲ᇕ໓߄іဆࠃى֨ӏ༤đ۷ݺֹᇾ ׅۣ֩ࣜ౷đࡼာದ໑୰a༥ୈ֥ྏᅚགྷ֤ਥৗ࣐ᇁĠ
Ⴓग़֥҄b ̾̽ᄅ̾ͅರພईϷ֥oԮ໓߄Ḥ౷ၜᆭ၀p౷ၜህӆđཌྷലa
ఓ၎ൔ֒ພđඹቆo၀ྨ༽ղದpࣙဇਊཌྷbఃᇏđ ূౖaॹϰaॹ֩ࣚґ౷ၜࢫଢဲಆӆđಞགྷӆߋཱ৵৵Ġ
ළղದஔെބਾѰ࿐ջট֥ළࢃඍሢದૌཟສሢ֥ჹٚĠ ̾̽ᄅ̾͆ರພ֥oࠃ৯ౝԽḤဨݏᆭ၀pဨݏህӆđӖۋুؒa
ࢧၜඌղದᅦնᵣջট֥൭כ၂֨ь་ႄਔᇙದ֥ଢܻĠ થ၀ুؒa͐ͶΆḤ͡ͿͮͲͲͿ ুؒࠗ౦षӏđۚे֥ലၻđႵ৯֥
໓Էղದઔཫ玥Ⴈ၂ॻॻಅӬห໓ԷӁුඪಅӬ֥໓߄ ܝׄđݺ๐֥ۣ౷ႄఏਔಆӆతದնކӏđটສđӏ
ָᄏބڄҐĠၻুղದնർ༵ളቆކဆӏ֥ჰԷۣ౷ಞགྷӆ ބđᕱيᆃ۱၀ພb
Ⴓग़๐֤ೂӺೂቊll ҂ᆸೂՎb࠶ଲ൧੪Ⴓ৳ކ߶൭۽ၜದٳ߶ބ܄܋
ࢤ༯ট৵࿃ ́ ฿֥ࣚґࠃđ۷ູಅӬ֥൧Ⴓग़ڋང ၜඌഡ࠹ٳ߶္ູ൧Ⴓग़ջট҂၂ဢ֥ెࢄఅđ٤၌
ਔ၂ӆoཐpऒಆ֥໓੪ഹတb ൭۽ၜaӖੀ໓ԷӁ֩ਞরડଢđಞದੀ৵ອْb
〇历下区以美食为纽带,讲好老济南故事。图 / 孙默涵
Lixia District takes food as the line to tell Jinan’s stories of the old times.
ᖥଞઋ༯đo၀༯pࣚґ၇ࣸ ຓֹႳग़đಞ൧Ⴓग़܋ཚ༯໓੪ؿᅚӮݔb
໔ཐ്༯bູ௹ ͂ ฿֥࠶ଲಅඣૅൊᇛđ༯ၛ ࣐ܵૅൊᇛၘࣜઋଞđ༯֥၀ളࠃ၇ࣸࣚґbູԉٳؿ
ૅൊູ୧ջđಞ൧Ⴓग़ᄝ࿙ཐ࿙ᇏุ߶֞ડડ֥ྜྷڞۋđ ߨ༯ಅڄಅષಅ౦ಅᄒ֥oಅඣ໓߄pָᄏđᇹ༯၀
طऎห֥໓߄గᇉ۷ಞট࠶Ⴓग़ອb ࣜ࠶َđ༯໓߄ބ੪Ⴓअࡼၛૅൊᇛູఏׄđ৳ކ࠶ଲ൧
ऌ༑đ༯࠶ଲಅඣૅൊᇛၘࣜ৵࿃ईϷਆࢽđՖ ੪Ⴓ৳ކ߶၀ྨ༽ٳ߶܋ࣉ໓߄੪ႳაཌྷܱӁြ֥ವކđႮ
ಀ୍֥ཁളൿ֞ࣂ୍֥նࠆӮۿđᆣਔ༯໓੪ವކ ׄ֞૫֥ႄ֝၀ࡗ໓߄੪ႳӁြ֥ؿᅚđյᄯ࠶ଲಅඣૅൊᇛ
〇 轮番上演的文化活动为市民游客奉献 ؿᅚ֥ණݔbᄝ໓੪ವކ֥ྍൈսđೂޅ՜ࣉ໓੪ކ৯ձđ இđࡹഡ၀ྨ༽໓߄੪Ⴓࡁ୍߸ဆđఓ༪၀ྨ༽໓
了一场“文旅盛宴”。图 / 孙默涵
A series of cultural activities provide the ܋ࢃݺ࠶ଲܣ൙đ൞༯໓߄ބ੪Ⴓअ၂ᆰනॉ֥໙ ߄੪ႳӁܼܿ߃đषؿ၀ྨ༽໓߄੪Ⴓཌਫ਼Ӂđࣉ༪
citizens and tourists with a grand tourism
and culture feast. ีބࠒࠞฐ෬֥ٚཟbЧࢽૅൊᇛຶಡoૅൊpᇶีđԮӵ ී֩หࣵઋֹđडܼ၀ྨ༽໓߄੪Ⴓղದđႄ֝၀ྨ
ಅඣ໓߄đܼಅඣૅൊđܒࡹఏ၂۱ವކਔૅൊa౷ၜa ༽໓߄੪Ⴓཨٮࢧؿᅚđ؟ծѩईᇹ৯ؿᅚ༯o၀ࣜ࠶pđ
Ԯ൭۽ၜa໓Էaၻু֩ჭ؟ົ၂ุ֥ಅඣหૅൊ໓ ቓն༪֥၀ࡗཨٮܿଆđധೆࣉ༯֥oَ໓ૼ൮ᆭp
߄੪ႳྍđႨಅӬ֡ࢃඍಅӬ໓߄đႨಅӬ֡་ႄ ࡹഡ൙ြđູࡹഡoն఼ૅڶ๙pགྷս߄ݓ࠽ն൧ቓԛ۷ն܊ངb
eing invisible and related to a very personal sense, taste can ignite our deepest sense of a city. We bite into a variety of tasty foods in the
city in which we are living. In October that glowed with gold autumn tints, the "Food Week of Old Downtown District" was inaugurated
Bby Lixia District Culture and Tourism Bureau in Shimao Kuanhouli, which facilitated tourists and citizens to take a bite of local delicacies
and to share interesting stories of the city of springs.
More than 10 wonderful performances and over 30 boutique booths were offered in the five-day period, enlivening the nighttime of Jinan with
spring-featured delicacies, intangible cultural heritage and folkway handicrafts, and creative cultural products. According to statistics, more than
大美历下 100,000 people attended the food week, resulting in a 25% year-on-year increase in the consumption of catering, shopping, accommodation and
other tourism products. Tourists and citizens had an opportunity to experience the spring culture while enjoying the fresh taste of local foods.
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