Page 96 - 10月
P. 96

读 城  |旅游 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ͖͐ͦ͡

                                                                                                                                       ๥ԣb                                                  ڄӣđӵᄛሢٯধ৥ൎؿᅚ֥಴ೃྖකđ൞ࡔಧ҂ϙ֥૶ቂ
                                                                                                                                           ̾͆̀͆ ୍đପ۱ݥ৏֥׫฿đൎӫoၖའᆭᆚp්֥ٯᅞ                      ࣚപᆭ߿b
                                                                                                                                       ᆚЕؿb૫఼ؓն්֥फࣚೌ҆ؒđਢൈঔщ֥ ̓ ຣٯধ໳                             ࣂ฿đᆃ۱Ф৳ކݓਙೆoൗࢸ၌Ӂ଀੣p֥৥ൎӬ
                                                                                                                                       ልದჴषᅚਔ௥ڥӦᇚ֥Мඣ၂ᅞb෰ૌၛႳࠌᅞa೶ֹᅞa                          Ѝđ၇ಖ൞ପဢ֥ຯ࿸ބሌᇗđෲაପеশౢม֥ٯধຖ
                                                                                                                                       ऀࠌᅞࣉྛ҂ؓӫ֥धֹّࠌđԷᄯਔйഄ්फ ̓̽ ຣ֥फൎ                        ၂ఏđധ౦֥ᇿ൪ሢᆃ۱ݓࡅՖ௕౫׮֕֞ڶღྜྷڞ֥Ҟ
                                                                                                                                       പ߅bٯধದႨ༷࿓ބളଁݫ໏ਔࠫϤ୍টᆭ҂ၞ֥׿৫ބ                           ೜ऍэb
                                                                                                                                       ቍ࿸đԷᄯਔᅞᆚᇏၛഒ഻؟֥ׅࣜᅞ২bٯধЍഈ֥ড൅                               ЃພđႳ੽ࠧࡼ൒ԛٯধຖđ႒૫൞၂੽ಘಘઋ༯ོ֥
                                                                                                                                       ሳݓఋυಖၠ৫ਝਝ்ဘđෲ൞҂౹֥འᆘb                                 ဝbಗഎሢ֥ພ༩႘ޣਔ϶ш฿࠽đ္ູຣ౧ѯม஼ഈਔ၂
                                                                                                                                           ̾͆̈́̀ ୍đٯধЍᇔࢲਔफ൙൐ଁڿູ৥ൎѰ໾ܶđପ஛                      ҪҼၴϮ಼֥ૅࣁ೭bᄝᆃ฿ݚ၂೤֥ሐৡڄܻᇏđoົࣘp
                                                                                                                                       ෻aЍৈބႏٜ֩फ൙ഡീປᆜֹЌթ༯টĠෲڔݖෟᄅ֥                           ݼᚥფሢᄉ༩ઋರđӰڄ௥শđཟѯઅ֥ݚХԀطಀb

                                                                                                                                               elsinki, the capital of Finland, is a vibrant seaside city of beautiful islands and great green parks. The beauty of the surrounding nature
                                                                                                                                               blends seamlessly with high-tech achievements and contemporary trends. Walking tours of the city center show layers of history, while
                                                                                                                                       Hmodern architecture and cutting-edge style stake the city's claim to the future.
                                                                                                                                           The Gulf of Finland is the easternmost arm of the Baltic Sea. It extends between Finland to the north and Estonia to the south all the way to
                                                                                                                                       Saint Petersburg in Russia, where the river Neva drains into it. The gulf is an important shipping route for its main ports: Porkkala, Helsinki, and
                                                                                                                                       Kotka in Finland; Vyborg, St. Petersburg, and Kronshtadt in Russia; and Tallinn in Estonia.
                                                                                                                                           One of Scandinavia’s most laid-back cities, Helsinki is relaxed yet vibrant with a host of exciting attractions just waiting to be explored.
                                                                                                                                       Architecture harks back to days of Russian and Swedish rule, and the city’s maritime heritage gives its history an interesting edge. So when your
                                                                                                                                       cruise ship docks in port, hop aboard your comfortable, open-top, double-decker bus and discover sightseeing opportunities galore.

                                                                                                                                       〇 如今的芬兰湾静谧祥和。
                                                                                                                                       A tranquil and peaceful scene of the Gulf of Finland
          〇 “维京”号游轮见证了芬兰湾的荣辱兴衰。
          Viking Cruises has witnessed the vicissitudes of the Gulf of Finland.

          г଎օౝđᜊ೒ֹൽᅚᄝຯ੃଱૜϶֛ഈb                                  ௝ൌ৯ᅟᄝᆃ৚p֥۬࿽b෱൞ز൯ݚഈ๙֡ބ܉໏ݓࡅν
              ൎഈđᆃோ਒খ֥ݚთѩ٤൞၂ລབބ࣡ፉ֥࣪ඣđᅞ                         ಆ֥ᇏࡔ৯ਈđ္൞جݓದ֥ྏڴնߑb
          ᆚ֥ၼᵬᄻ؟Ց੆ᅷᄝٯধຖഈđਙ఼ૌؓᇅݚಃ֥ᆚؠ൓                               ̾̽͆ͅ ୍đجೋਆݓູᆚؠѯઅ֥ݚϟಃषදնᅞđ஛ࠅ
          ᇔીႵ๔ᆸb                                               ৵฿aളਲ๰ฒđധ൳ఃݝ֥ٯধದ϶ඔᄝᅞࠅᇏೞളbٯ
              ̾̓ ൗࡀᇏွᇀ ̾͆ ൗࡀԚđجೋਆݓູӫྦѯઅ֥ݚ༵ު                    ধЍቋᇔીႵ֓ᇾѯઅ֥ݚࡳ֥ؒ۾ࠌđೋׅᅞϧ๼ԛٯধ
          ؿളਔ ͅ Ցնᅞđچࠅ৵฿đѡಱཌྷ࡮đݚफܲѡ֥༷࿓ಙ                         ຖѩϜٯধ۩ಞ۳جݓb
          ޣਔૅৡ֥ٯধຖb                                                ̾͂̀ͅ ୍đجݓაඹݓ๝ૐյཙਔक़અ૜࿰ᅞᆚđၘӮູ
              ̾̈́̽̽ ୍đࣜݖ၂༢ਙڿ۪ᇯࡶ఼ն֥جݓູਔषຉѯઅ                      جݓݚफࠎֹ֥ٯধЍФႇم৳ކࡳؒյ֥తԲϤ।đᅞᆚ
          ֥ݚԛݚ१đაೋׅЕؿਔংರӻࣲ֥oКٚᅞᆚpbࣜݖ                           ֥ޒࠖᇀࣂߎౢ༉ॖ࡮b
          ̿̽ ؟୍֥ფ࿓ٹᅞđجݓᄝٯধຖஐᅝਵਔնோ๲ֹđѩᄝ                             ̾͆̾̈́ ୍đઋ଴֥ٯধࣜݖϤ୍֥໣ྈӇ։ᇔႿת೶ᄜఏđ
          ଡ଼ຐފ֥ೆݚ१ࡹ׻ii഼д֤Ѝđࠅ৯఼ն֥ѯઅ֥ݚࡳ                           ӨجݓЕؿ۪ଁᆭ࠽࿆҃׿৫bФೋج๤ᇍਔ ̈́̽̽ ؟୍֥ٯ
          ؒӮਔٯধຖ֥ྍᇶದb                                          ধཁಖಌك׿৫ളթ֥ᇍݓνϹᆭҦđ໭྽ބࠁ੹֝ᇁਔ၂
              ̾̈́́ͅ ୍đೋູׅਔࡆ఼ٝპđᄝތغྌࠎ֥ຓݚഈྩࡹ                      ӆ࿓ྒྷ֥ଽᅞЕؿđ๝൩Ҡۥaβޟђ့bᆟکࡼٯধЍڿ
          ਔႮ ̓ ቖཬ֛৵ࢤఏট֥ݚഈӉӬiiٯধЍbᆃ൞ൗࢸഈ                         ູࡓსܱ࿣ᅞښđ̾ ຣ؟ದᄝᆃ৚שാਔྟଁb৥ൈ ́ ۱؟ᄅ
          ቋն֥ݚफေೖđ๞఺ํуđࠅ৯ຯ૒đӬЍ૊ഈ᫼ख़ሢoေ                          ֥๝Іྡֽཌྷ޺җ೪֥৥ൎИखđ൞ٯধದྏᇏଋᆭ҂ಀ֥

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